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|The Calm|

"I really need to get away from here." Clarke said as she plopped down on her bed. I turned on my side and propped my head with the palm of my hand.

"Oh for gods sake Lydia can you put a shirt on?" She asked me as she finally looked at me as I rolled my eyes

"Please like you've never seen me like this before." I told her as my gold necklace laid on the bed.

"I have seen you like that. And with much...much less on." She said as I winked at her. I got up from bed and put my shirt on.

"Come on." I told her as I put my leather jacket on. I fixed the collar as she looked at me

"Where are we going." She asked as I winked once again.

I walked out of the tent with a sly smile in my face as I walked through the side of the camp.

"Lydia?!" Clarke whisper shouted as she saw me climbing the side of the wall. I already had one leg over. I looked back down at her

"What?" I asked

"Help me up." She said as I rolled my eyes and put my head back as I groaned. I climbed back down and showed her where to put her feet.

"If we get caught its your fault." I told her as I started climbing over

"Why don't we use the front gate? Its not like you never leave the camp? They won't tell you anything." She told me as I jumped down the other side of the wall with a soft thud.

"Because, its more exciting this way." I said winking once again.

"Its exhilarating. The idea of getting caught. It just gives a bit adrenaline. Makes you get a bit reckless." I told her as we started to walked away from camp.

"Is that why you always escaped through the air vents? Because the idea of getting caught by my parents gave you an exhilarating feeling?" She asked me a bit accusingly

"Did we ever get caught by your parents? No. Why? Because I'm good at not getting caught." I told her as I walked backwards

"Do you know how awkward when my mom used to walk into my room and say 'hmm Clarke what's the smell? Its always in this room? Is that a perfume?'"

"It is a perfume. Its called a combination of coming an average of four times and rough sex." I told her as she blushed just slightly and slapped my arm softly.

"Shut up." She told me as I smiled. I turned back around so I walked normally

"Where the hell are we going anyways?" She asked as I smiled at her

"A little spot I have." I answered simply

"You always had your little spots back on the ark." Clarke said as I looked back at her with widened eyes and a big smile

"Oh get your mind out of the gutter." She said as she pushed me. I laughed as we kept walking.

"How much farther?" She asked

"No much more." I said. We have been walking for the last hour. The trees were packed closely together.

"Through here." I said as I squeezed in between two trees.

"That was a tight squeeze." I said as Clarke squeezed in between.

"Oh my god." She said as she looked around. It wasn't the pond I always go too. But it was a different one. It was just as beautiful.

The grass was full and green. There was sunflowers that were taller than me scattered around the parameter. The pond of was more of a hot spring that flowed downstream. There was a tall water fall that had cold pouring water. The cold water once in contact with the hot spring created a thick layer of steam blanketing the top of the water.

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