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|My Heart Will Go On|

I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home


All the pretty stars shine for you, my love
Am I that girl that you dream of
All those little times you said that I'm your girl
You make me feel like your whole world

I'll wait for you, babe, that's all I do, babe
Don't come through, babe, you never do

Because I'm pretty when I cry
I'm pretty when I cry
I'm pretty when I cry
I'm pretty when I cry

All those special times I spent with you, my love
They don't mean shit compared to all your drugs
But I don't really mind, I've got much more than that
Like my memories, I don't need that

Pretty When You Cry
Lana Del Rey

We all stood in the throne room the next day after we banished Emerson.

Lexa smiled down at her novitiates. Clarke, Lucas, and Leo stood next to me as Lexa began her speech.

"We gather here on this Ascension Day to honor the commanders that came before me, those who live on within me as I will live on within one of you." She said a wide smile but I turned to the door as I heard men shouting.

"Titus, what is this?" Lexa asked as her smile faded

"The crimes you need to hear, Heda." Titus said as he brought someone forward.

"Octavia? What crimes? What happened?" I asked stepping forward to stand next to Lexa as I saw Octavia tied at the wrists

"Skaikru attacked their village. Because their warriors were lost when your people massacred the army we had sent to protect you, their village was defenseless." Titus said to me jabbing his bony fingers my way

"How dare you bring this to me on Ascension Day?" Lexa scathed at him

"I did not bring this here, Heda. You did. Against my advice, you made Skaikru the 13th clan.

They rejected this, murdering hundreds of your people, and yet on the very field where they died, you decided to forgive the killers, but this provocation is proof.

Blood must not have blood has failed. All that can stop this now is war. " Titus said

"Lydia?" Lexa turned to ask me

"Lydia's opinion in this matter is not exactly unbiased." Titus said to her

"Titus is right. I would do anything to save my people. You know that, but I know them.

Not everyone agrees with Chancellor Pike. Kane doesn't. Octavia doesn't." I said to them

"Your people did not vote for Kane." Titus reminded me

"Some of them did. We need to give them time to see that they made the wrong choice and fix it." I told him

"And you believe your people will take him out themselves." Lexa asked me as I nodded

"If they don't, if instead they use this time to plan their next attack, we must act now, Heda.

Make an example of the 13th Clan. Show the other 12 what happens when they defy you.

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