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|a short tale|
/these are a series of short tales of how Lydia and Bellamy came close to coming into contact in the ark/

There are violets in your eyes
There are guns that blaze around you
There are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds you
It's no wonder every man in town had neither fought nor found you

Everything you do is elusive, too, even your honey dew

Lana Del Rey

"Nice wig Janice what's it made out of?" I asked one of my closest friends on the ark as we sat down in the dining hall to eat.

"Your moms chest hair." She responded

"My moms chest hairs are blonde." I said with a smile

"What are you doing later?" She asked me as I shrugged.

"What do you mean.." She asked as she copied the shrug.

"A shrug is not an answer." She said

"I don't know. Maybe I'll watch a movie." I said

"I wish we could be like regular people you know?" She said as she tapped her card on the table.

"I mean you wouldn't be a doctor you'll just be some hot pre-med college student." She said

"And I'll be that weird art kid with a wig made out of her friends moms chest hair." Janice said

"I would want to be that regular stereotypical college student." I said as I thought about it.

"I see you as that sorority cheerleader who got into that really hard school cause she's a genius." She said as I nodded.

"I am a genius aren't I?" I asked her

"I mean it's not my fault you guys are of below average knowledge." I said with a huge smile as she smacked my arms as I laughed.

"Jeez I want to punch that guy in the face." She said out of nowhere.

"Which guy?" I asked as I didn't turn around.

"That one with the guards uniform." She said as I turned slyly and saw the guy as he stood at the doorway.

"Why? What did he do?" I asked

"He told me to stop running in the halls." She said as I laughed.

"Awe were you caught without a hall pass as well?" I asked as she mocked me.

"Let's get out this place." She said as she stood up.

"Let's go to Saturn." I said as I stood up as she made me a face.

"What? You said you want to get out of this place." I defended.

"Leo come on." I said as I rushed her.

"No what if we get caught?" She asked as she pulled on a large hoodie.

"We will if you keep taking so long." I said as she finished tying her shoes.

"I'm not missing the meteor shower because of you now come on." I said as she finally finished.

"Let's go you big nerd." She said as we left the room. Our parents were asleep as we tiptoed out of our apartment. I locked the door quietly behind me as we made it out into the halls.

"We made it!" I whisper shouted as the halls were empty. It was our designated sleep time so everything was calm and quiet.

We walked down the hall until we reached the viewing area. The sun was nowhere to be found as all we faced were stars. I looked down to earth and saw the blue seas shining like a giant sapphire.

The 100-Lydia KaneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz