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  "Yay," I sarcastically exclaimed in my mind as my mom finally arrived at school. It looked pretty empty. I got out of the car and ran through the gates of my school. I saw a few new faces. Suddenly, I look into the sky, and clouds started rolling in. Oh no...

  Time to tell another secret of mine! Did you know that blah blah blah blah blah blah when I'm around and clouds start coming in, blah blah blah blah blah blah DANGER! WATCH OUT! Blah blah blah blah blah blah it doesn't rain tacos blah blah blah.

Did you understand that? Because I didn't.

  Anyways, no one was noticing me. Well, no one was even looking at me. Oh yeah. I forgot. Sometimes, when I'm quiet for a long time, I blend in with the shadows.

  Ok. I finally got to class. NO ONE is here. I checked my watch. Whoa... I'm 20 minutes early! I think that's why my mom kept asking me, "Are you sure you should be leaving right now?", and I kept saying yes. Well, at least that gives me enough time to explore this place!

  *10 minutes later...*

  Ok. Now people are starting to come.

*Another 10 minutes later...*

  Ok. So everyone is in class, waiting for the teacher to come. Since I am in 8th grade, I'm gonna have periods, but luckily, I don't have to move to different classrooms for each subject.

  Now there's the teacher. Well, that took forever.

  So my periods are: 1. English, 2. History, 3. Recess, 4. Math, 5. Lunch, 6. Science, 7. P.E. I think I memorized it.

Since it's the first day of school, we didn't learn anything in our first period (which is English). First, we all introduced ourselves. When it was my turn to introduce myself, I stood up. "My name is Magnus. Magnus Clark. This is my first year here, and I am awesome. And one more thing: never mess with new kids. After that, I sat down, and everyone started clapping; except for one person that had an evil smile on his face that gave me the creeps.

During history, we learned about the French Revolution. All I heard from the teacher was: "Blah blah blah France blah blah blah blah Queen blah blah blah blah 'Let them have cake!' Blah blah blah guillotine blah blah executed blah blah blah."

After that, we were dismissed for break. Some people were running like they were running for dear life. I didn't know what was happening. Then I remembered: it's cloudy outside! Then, that guy that had the evil smile on his face came out of the classroom. Oh goodie! Suddenly, he took out a butcher's knife and charged at me. These people don't listen at all. I took off my sunglasses and turned them into a rapier. Makes sense, huh? (We just learned about the French Revolution). I thought this guy was crazy. I can fight with my eyes closed, and all of my recorded reflex times were 0. Beat that. I only have one fatal flaw. I have an Achilles heel. I can still get hurt on my other body parts, but it hurts way less. Unless I get hit on my right heel. Then I could die.

Back to the story. The guy swung his knife, and I quickly slid my rapier through the hole in the blade, and yanked my sword. That disarmed my enemy, and his weapon flew to the other side of the room.

This part is gonna be brutal, so you can skip it if you want.

Then, he quickly took out a shotgun (I don't know where he got that from) and unexpectedly shot my Achilles heel. Ouch. I fell to the floor. Blood was gushing out of my heel like water coming out of a spring. My vision blurred. That evil guy kicked my head a few times, and I was knocked out cold.

Stay Awesome,



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