Whoa Bro!

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Jack's POV

  "Whoa, are you out of your mind, bro?!" I asked Magnus. "No, this is all part of my plan." He muttered to me. "So, what are you doing here, brother?" Max asked. As I observed the room, I saw something very... frightening, you could say; there were two bodies that were across each other on both sides of the throne room. And those bodies were the ones of two girls. And they were both breathing. And they both looked a little bit familiar. So Magnus continued the conversation. "We're here to make negotiations." He said, walking up to his brother's throne. I followed him. "Oh, I love negotiations!" He said, taking out his sword, "Because I get to show you nice things!". Then he started to change form. Literally. He started to radiate power; he was always power hungry. Black fire started to burn around him, making him float in the air. A person appeared, coming out of the flames. "If you beat him, you have to fight me in my true form. Then we can talk about things." Max said. The person stepped out of the flames, and Magnus ordered, "Ok. You go get that guy, while I deal with my brother." I didn't object, obviously. As I ran toward the guy, he took out two golden throwing knives and started to chuck them toward me. As he threw them, more appeared in his hands. I unsheathed my blades and sliced the projectiles. I also dodged them too. Captain Obvious to the rescue. Hey, that rhymes! Anyway, I sidestepped and dodged the knifes as I sprinted over to him. I got close to him, and got my sword ready. I then quickly glanced to my side, watching Magnus fight his sibling for a split second. All of a sudden, I leaped and let out a yell. I blinked, then opened my eyes to see myself laying sitting on the body of my opponent, with one of my swords violently poked through his right shoulder. He started to scream, so I stuffed the hilt of my free sword into his mouth. I took my weapon out of his shoulder, and pinned him to the floor with it on his chest. After he was noiseless, I took the sword that was in his mouth and joined the fight between the relatives. The match was pretty hard; it was Fire and Void versus Black Fire. Don't get mixed up between the two. My fire is dragon fire. Though at random times I feel as if a Solar flame builds up inside me. Max's fire is black fire, so it disintegrates whatever it touches. Pretty overpowered, right? I thought so.
  "Die, scumbags!" Max commanded as he started to fight us with black flaming swords. We all kept fighting and fighting that we didn't notice something behind us happen. Two people wiggled out of their chains and ran out the door, it closing magically behind them. After awhile, Magnus and I started to get weary, but Max was still energetic. I started fighting slower, which gave the evil boy an advantage. He started to surround me with flames. I was soon in a ring of fire. But there was a tiny fraction that was uncovered, so I made my exit from there. The substance soon went out after a while. I started to fight really slow right now. Max then swiftly zoomed to me, clutched my throat, and pushed on my pressure points really hard, but he still held me up. "Surrender, or he dies!" He said as he held a sword near my neck. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He yelled as his rage exploded like he was going Super Saiyan Mode.


  So... yeah. I guess that's that. Uh, happy early Thanksgiving, and if you don't celebrate, well, um, happy day! I now have a schedule for updates. I will update one chapter here, and then another one on Block, and sometimes I may update For the Flufflepuff. I guess that's it for this chapter. See ya later.


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