Crash landing

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Magnus's POV

  Wait. Why would there be someone crawling out of the ground? "Hello. My name is Helen. All of you are in grave danger. Come, follow me." The girl said. "Wait, what? Why should we follow you? What happened?" I asked. Suddenly, the ground shook. "That's what happened," she answered. We all ran after her until we reached a boulder. She took a mallet and smacked the rock. It moved out of the way, and a starfighter came out of the ground. "Is this our escape vehicle?" Mitch asked. "Yes. But we must act fast." Helen said. The floor rumbled more and more. We ran through the door of the ship, but someone wasn't aboard. "Guys, Athena isn't here!" I told the group. I ran out the door, and she was on the floor. The ground was literally shaking under us, and bursts of water shot out from the floor. I had to make a decision: go save Athena, or go with everyone else on the ship.
I chose to save Athena. Not just because she is my girlfriend, but because I'm not a coward, and we can't afford to lose anyone. As I ran, the door started to close, and the ship started to leave. She got up, and I got the best plan ever. "Wait, they're leaving!" She exclaimed. "Don't worry, I got a plan." I told her. I turned my iron rod into rocket boots and wore them. I grabbed her as hard as I could, and we flew to the ship that was leaving. The door automatically opened. Perfect timing. Athena and I flew through the door, and flew into the ship. The door closed, and we blasted off into space.
  "Where exactly are we going?" Jack asked. "Good question. We're going to another realm." Helen said, pressing a button. Suddenly, I felt like I was going through a wormhole. The spacecraft zoomed through space, spinning and twirling and doing all sorts of stuff like that. Then, the ship slowed down, and it definitely looked like we were in a different realm. We were still above the clouds, but I could still tell. Just then, something slammed into the engine, and the ship started going down. "Hold on tight!" Helen cried as we were about to crash. Then, we felt another jolt. The ship was literally heading straight to the ground. The ship crashed.
*A few hours later...*
  "Unnnnhhhhh" I grunted as we woke up in a small village. A bunch of people gathered around us. The ship was being maintained by a mechanic. "Hello? Where are we?" I asked. "Oh. Your ship crash-landed over there, but we got it taken care of." Said a person. We got up, and the place was huge. And on the other side of the village, there was a castle. But it was already starting to turn dark. They had extra houses for visitors, so we slept there. The next morning, we woke up to see that the whole village was on fire. "Jack, did you do this?" I asked him. "Well, sometimes I can't control my powers, and they go off in the middle of the night." He said. "That can't be good....." Mitch replied. We all ran to the ship, and hauled a tank of water and a hose. We sprayed the village until the fire went out. Then we flew out. We landed in a small clearing in the forest, and ate breakfast there. We then sat down to talk. "Wait, so now since we're not doing anything, let me ask you this question. What just happened, Helen?" Jack asked. "Long story short, a pit isn't very happy with us." She said. "Well, that makes lots of sense." Athena said. "By the way, what is up with these Greek names? Athena and Helen. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, and the Helen of Troy was also someone important." I said. "Well, I don't know. I never got to meet my parents, because they died in a fire." Helen said. "I had to work as a servant so I can live. Then I built this ship, and flew away." She said. "Wait, how did you end up down there, underground?" Mitch asked. "Well, I was captured and imprisoned underground, and I got help from someone. That's how I got back to the surface." Helen said, with worry in her eyes. I decided not to question her about that. "Well, we need to get moving, guys." I said. We all got up and boarded the spacecraft as it blasted off into the sky.
This time, we were heading to a city. The place kind of reminded me of New York City. Except— well, we're in a different realm. Anyways, we landed on a landing pad on top of one of the buildings. "Where are we going?" Athena asked. "Come with me, and I will show you." Helen answered. That girl is always so... Mysterious. We followed her through the streets, until we got to a building. We went through a few doors. Then, there was a sign that read "RESTRICTED", but we still went there. After a few steps, we were standing in front of a portal. "You know what to do." Helen said. We all walked through, one by one. On the other side, we were in one of my favorite places: Mount Olympus. That place was so big, you can walk for days and still not see the whole place.


  Hey guys! As you can see, I'm making this kind of circle thingy with the POVs. Except for when I want to make a chapter super long, but instead I make it into 2 halves. So, I need some entries. Yes Sammy, I will do what you requested me to do next chapter because I wanted to do a cliffhanger, and the chapter is already past 980 words so I should be wrapping this up by now. Thanks for 199 reads! I really hope you guys enjoy this book. Don't forget to vote and comment!
Take care,


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