Meeting New People

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Magnus's POV

  After that awesome fight, I flew away to the black top, where kids sat down and played. I was too drained to play, so I sat down. Then, a kid came up to me and sat down next to me. He said, "Hey Magnus. I've heard you don't have any friends yet, so let me introduce myself. My name is Jack. And I'm pretty impressed by what you've done these past few days. You can call me a friend." And he stuck out an arm. Then I said, "Agreed.", and we shook hands. Hey, that gave me an idea. Me, Jack, and Athena would be a great trio, working together doing awesome stuff, and saving the world. That would be super cool and awesome. Then the bell rang, and we went back to class. I hope Jack keeps his promise during our negotiation. He could turn back on me, because friends can start off as enemies, and enemies can start off as friends. But I don't think that he's gonna turn back on me. After science, we went to lunch, and Athena, Jack, and I sat next to each other. I introduced Athena to Jack, and Jack to Athena. I think Jack liked her a little bit, because he was blushing. We ate, but I kept getting warmer and warmer every few seconds, like Jack or Athena were radiating heat. Then I felt a presence behind me. And then I punched that presence in the face so hard that it yelped and re-appeared as a person. Hey! I thought I was the only one who can shadow stalk! No fair! But that guy that I punched in the face got so angry that his face looked like a tomato. He tried to smack me in the face, but I countered it and uppercutted him in the jaw. It was soon hanging from his face, which looked so horrible. Then I turned my sunglasses into a sea cucumber machine gun. I know they are very gross, but...
Don't read this part if gross stuff make you nauseous, or you recently ate something.
If you didn't know, this is how sea cucumbers protect themselves. When they are getting attacked, they shoot their intestines out of their anis. So they are literally pooping out their intestines. I told you it would be very gross. And then the sea cucumber quickly regenerates its intestines. Anyways, I used the sea cucumber as a machine gun, so by the time 1 minute passed by, that guy was covered in sea cucumber intestines. Very gross.
You can read now. It's not gross anymore.
  Anyways, that guy was super grossed out. Then I started to feel weird, like I was controlling something. Then some black thick strings started to creep down from the sky. And it kept coming down. That's when it wrapped around me, and I repulsed it. Was I just controlling the void!?!?!??!! Everyone stared at me. Then everyone realized what they were doing, and went back to their business. Then the guy said, "Very well, trying to cover me in sea cucumber stuff. My name is Mitch. We shall meet again." Then he disappeared into darkness. That was weird. Then the bell rang, and everyone went to class.
*After school...*
When the bell rang, everyone left. Except for Jack and Athena. They told me their Facebook accounts. When I got home, I turned my self-made computer on. It showed the Death Star logo when I pressed the power button. Then I opened Facebook. I then added Jack and Athena. But then the server crashed and said, "Potatoes kittens turtle   merpderpaherp ded booby trap heist Jack Black kskskksjsgeywaoaoksnsn29292838/7/$:3'ksksjsjwoskejsjhsidodkrjejd/88282910&/$$/$ERRORERROREROOREKDIEISKSJDHBOOOOOOOOOOOMKABOOOOOOOOOM." And then it crashed. Good thing they gave me their emergency Skype  usernames, so I added them through Skype. Then I called them. They were all doing something. Athena was sharpening her dagger, and Jack was reading a book. Then something behind Athena exploded, and a kitten was doing the Harlem Shake. That was weird. So we talked about stuff, and I explained what happened at school. "I wasn't trying to, but I summoned the void. It happened when I was fighting someone, so it probably only happens when I'm in combat," I said. "That's a good point," said Jack. "Maybe something else caused this to happen," said Athena, "Like someone was watching you this whole time... Hey! That gives me an idea! It was probably that Mitch guy! He's probably hiding something". "Yeah, because after the fight, he just introduced himself, and then randomly vanished. That means he should be hiding something, because he looks very suspicious to me," I said. "Ok. If we get this right, then we could find out what made you control the void!" Jack said. Just then, I was shocked for no reason (I was literally shocked by a lightning bolt). Then I screamed, "HOLY JUPITER—ZEUS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?!??!!", and turned around to see an angry Mitch. "HEY, I'M NOT JUPITER OR ZEUS, YOU DOOSHBAG," Angry Mitch said. Oh, man. Who did he just call a dooshbag? He'll see my wrath.


Hey guys and gals! Ending the chapter on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked it! Anyways, sorry if I take too long updating chapters. This was supposed to be published a day before it was published! I'm sorry, it's just that I start getting a little lazy during the weekends, and I also have a life outside of Wattpad, if you know what I mean (Antvenom reference). Anyways, thanks for no contest entries! If I don't get any entries, I will probably close the contest, and sit in the corner of my room crying for an hour. Please don't make me do that, so enter in the contest! Remember, use that way of describing I used in my A/N chapter.
Btw, I'm not on vacation. I just posted this YouTube video cuz I had no others to post.


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