Operation: Escape from Tartarus

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Jack's POV

I hope this works out. If it doesn't, were dead. So we either need to find a way to bring Magnus back to life, or we need to find the Doors. If we do find the Doors, then we have to leave the ship behind. But currently, only one choice works.
As the vehicle took off, we were looking for monsters to follow. Why did we have to kill that drakon? I certainly do not know. After hours of looking and looking around, we finally landed for the night (I couldn't even tell the difference between night and day in Tartarus, but we just assumed it was night because we were all tired and worn out. When we woke up the next day, we immediately continued our odyssey. The longer we took, the more scared I felt. It's like something was stalking me... Or maybe I was just paranoid. I really hoped it was the second reason. While we were flying, something happened. Magnus suddenly sat up, but instead of his regular eye color, his eyes were glowing with golden light. "Hey, guys!" He said, which scared the living daylight out of Athena, Helen, and me. "How the hell did
you—what the hell was that for?!?" Athena yelled as Magnus stood up and sat on the seat next to her. "Well, sadly, this isn't my soul right now. It's just that—" He was cut off by Magnus yelling, "No, stop possessing my body, Max! Go away!" Which then led to Magnus punching himself in the face until it turned purple. Magnus turned back to normal, breathing hardly. "Sorry, that was Max, some guy that tried possessing my body, as you saw there. It feels good to be back." He said, like nothing happened. At all. Athena was so angry, she could've punched him in the face, if he didn't just come back from the dead. "Next time you do that to me.... Sorry. I know it wasn't your fault, but next time, please try your best to not die on me. Alright? Good. Especially when I accidentally leave my stupid healing potions at home" She said, banging her head on the wall, crying. "Hey, hey. I'm alive. I'm not dead anymore. Calm down, calm down." Magnus told her. "Ok, ok, enough with this... stuff. We need to go back to Earth, and then you can go all mushy about stuff." I said. Magnus opened the portal, and we flew straight through the hole into the darkness.
After our trip through the void, Magnus opened the second portal, and we flew out into the clouds. Suddenly, as we were going up, there was a problem. The spacecraft shuddered a few times, and instead of going up, we went... well, the only way you can go after a ship runs out of fuel: down. We came zooming down so fast, fire started to burn on the front window. I said all my last good-byes to everyone, and the ship hit the floor, and we all died. Curse you Zeus.
Just kidding! Do you really think I'm that lame? Well, I'm not even lame. If I died, how would I be telling you this story right now? Ok, moving on. The ship was going down, and we were plummeting to our deaths. But since I'm so smart, I thought of an idea. Well, I actually didn't, I just wanted this story to sound cooler. The ship actually did crash, but luckily, we didn't die. We almost died, and a few minutes later, we were at the hospital.


  Hallo! Meesa awesome! Meesa like to fart in clumsy time! Oh, sorry. I was just doing my best impression of Jar Jar. He's kinda.... weird. I keep using ... for some reason, which is kinda weird. I also use the term "weird" too much. So yeah. Life is random. I have literally nothing else to say.
Keep calm and watch Star Wars,


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