The Story of My (Brother's) Life

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Magnus's POV

  "Well, you just basically threw my evil twin brother into hell. But that doesn't necessarily mean that he's dead, you know." I told Jack as I studied his fiery amulet. 'Twas a necklace that was golden, and at the end was a golden figure shaped like the sun. "I think we should get out of this mess." Jack suggested, his eyes scanning his surroundings looking for a way out. "Y'know, we could've just asked your, uh, dragon to stay a little longer so we could just ride him outta here." I complained. "No, no, no. Never. Even I felt a lot of power sitting on the dragon. I wouldn't think you would have a chance (emphasis on chance) surviving it." Jack vetoed. "Oh my god. I forgot about my void portals." I said, summoning one. We both stepped inside, and stepped out another portal. We were standing in that clearing that was in the vast forest. "So I guess we just go back?" I asked. "Wait!" A person in the distance yelled. They stepped out of the bushes, and there was a long silence. I stared into the person's pale, gray eyes. Neither of us won the staring contest, even though my red eyes creeped the hell out of most people. I then walked over to the person. "How are you still alive? Weren't you supposed to be dead?" I asked. "Well," she said, "just thank God that none of us three are dead." "Wait, what do you mean, us three?" "Oh, I forgot to tell you, when that solar dragon did its thing-a-majiggy, it literally shook the whole realm. That caused someone's disappearance. I don't know if they are dead or not." She said. "So currently we only have three people." I concluded and sat down next to her. "Should we go home now?" I asked. "C'mon, I've been waiting for you guys!" Jack yelled from the distance. We both got up and walked over to him. "I see you have a new amulet right there" Athena told Jack. "Yeah, my old one shattered when we fought Max." Jack explained as I opened a portal to earth. We stepped out the other side and kept walking till we reached the site where the epic battle happened. I gestured over to them to sit next to me on the tree trunk. "You said you were gonna tell me about how you knew Max." I told my girlfriend. "Ok then." She said, adjusting how she was sitting. "When I first met him, I thought he was nice and cool and awesome. He was, but then one day, he just turned his back on me for no reason. He shot me with a blast of light—straight to the heart. I really don't know why. That's why when I met you, I was a little bit scared, because, the only difference between the two of you is the color of your hair." She explained to us, as if she was an adult telling a story to little children. "I then found out that you were luckily not him because you have void powers." She continued, getting up and stretching. "Well, I think I have to go now. Bye." She told us, waving at us and walking away. We waved at her, and she disappeared in the distance.


Jack's POV 

  It was time. Time for me to give Magnus the tome. He turned around to walk away, but I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey," I told him, "I need to give you something." He turned around and faced me. I pulled the book out. "Here you go." I told him, handing it over. "What is it?" He asked, tilting the tome, which made the golden omega in the middle of the title glint in the daylight. It was a mahogany book that was pretty small, but as big as a regular reading book. His eyes suddenly glowed with light. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA! You fools think you can get away with what happened  in my castle. See ya later!" He said, disappearing into the light. I always wanted to strangle Max. I made a fist with both my hands and walked away in the sunset.


  Ok. You can go back and compare and contrast the differences between my writing and Sammy's. The punctuation, et cetera, et cetera. And just look at the titles. They make so much sense. And I am the best at promoting myself, because I love myself, and haters gonna hate *stares at ShadowShotGaming  *. So that's all I gotta say today, and goodbai.

Write ya later,*


*I used your outro, Fic_Sins! If you haven't checked her out, you should. She's cool.

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