Evil Twin Brother

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Magnus's POV

  Snap. I could've done something to stop us from going to the hospital. I could've made a pillow or something come out of the void and save us from coming here. Meanwhile, Athena kept cursing and swearing and cursing left and right. After coming out of the hospital, we rushed to see the wreckage of the ship. It was pretty.... horrible. Helen, Jack, and I waited for Athena to get her potions. As we waited near the rubble of the crash, I heard a very familiar voice speaking in my head. "Hey, Magnus, you will see my wrath. There will be many frightening things awaiting for you, and you will be abandoned by your friends." The voice said. Suddenly, someone formed right before my eyes. "Hahahahaha!!!!!!" The person laughed. His voice echoed, even though we weren't indoors. He looked exactly like me, except he had grey hair instead of yellow. "Remember me, Magnus?" He said. Tendrils of darkness slid from me and crept up on me. He did the exact same thing, except with light. "Holy... go away, Max!" I commanded as our elements clashed together. "No! I warned you!" He said. "How was that a warning? How can I fight like this?" I asked. "That's the point! I'm supposed to kill you and your friends! Then I will rule the world! Mwahahahahahahahaha!" He explained. "Hey! Not so fast, Max!" Athena yelled from behind him. "Athena? Who—how do you know this guy?" I inquired. "Oh, I'll tell you later." She answered, throwing each of us potions. As was about to drink mine, a rock flew from Max's hand and shattered the glass. "Not on my watch!" He yelled as charged at me. "No!" Jack yelled as he charged at Max. "Golden flame iron fist!" He screamed as he punched him in the arm. Max deflected it kicking Jack in the gut, and stabbing him in the chest with a sword made of light. "There. I hope that shuts you up." He said. But he was wrong, because he was swearing at the top of his lungs. "No! Die!" I yelled as I ran to steal his life. Instead, he picked me up and threw me on the floor. He then started to step on my chest, real hard. As the pressure built up on my chest, I realized I wasn't going to win. At least I tried hard. "Guys! Run!" I cried as they watched, horrified. "No, we have to help you!" Helen yelled. The two girls charged with their weapons. My vision started to blur. "What are your last words, loser?" Max asked. I only had one thing to say: "You—will—never—win!!!" I screamed in pain as my life force was being taken away. Jack was no longer screaming; blood was gushing out of his wound. The two girls fought furiously as they kept trying to destroy my evil twin brother. Suddenly, one blow from Max knocked down my girlfriend, leaving her on the floor with many wounds. "Noooo!" I cried as she was trying to get up, but she couldn't. Blood was streaming down her face, as tears were streaming down mine. Max let go of my chest, and I tried to crawl over to her. As I was about to reach my girlfriend, my brother made another sword of light and threw it at me, piercing through my arm. "See, I told you that you were going to lose!" He said. "Well, at least I tried! Dying doesn't mean that I lost!" I yelled back at him. He took another sword made of light (why does he keep doing that! That's cheating!) and stabbed Helen in the head, which freaked me out crazy. Ok. I've had enough. I finally was stabbed a second time by Max, and I died in pain, agony, and misery.


  Sorry *sniffles* I just... can't. I really don't know what to do right now. I might've ended this book early on accident. Whoops. But just because Magnus and his "squad" died, doesn't mean there will be more characters. Also, maybe they didn't die. Maybe I am just evil and cruel and I wrote that so you start crying and then you read the next chapter and realize that they all didn't die. Ok, maybe I'm giving out too much stuff, so I'll just shut up for now.
Keep calm and just be Awesome,


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