The Bolt Heard 'Round the World

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The Wizard's POV

You might be wondering, Who is this damn wizard? First of all, I am not damn. Secondly, I am the wizard. A thirteen-year-old wizard. But I'm not just any wizard. I'm not like Albus Dumbledore or Gandolf the Grey or Waglington. Well, maybe a little bit like Waggles. But I don't use wands or staffs or scepters or any of those types of weapons. I use plain magic. And I don't live in those towers that a wizard in a fantasy show or movie or video game would. Just a regular house. Sure, I have no family. I, in fact, do wear robes. That's probably the only similarity I have with other ordinary magicians. So I have a few friends. When I was little, people told me that some guy was a fugitive. I tried beating him up, but he was like nope. Then I met him again in a dungeon, and we almost shredded each other to pieces. My dad then busted me and dropped me from the sky. I hit the floor, and then decided to become friends with that guy. And then one of my other friend was sent to Tartarus, so I helped finding him. But on the way, I was smacked into the lava and I died.
   Just kidding. That's when I found out I was immune to lava. After one or two days, I woke up floating on the surface of that pool. I swam to the shore, trying to catch my breath, when someone came. "Hello. Do you n3ed help getting out of here?" He asked me with his echoey voice. He looked like someone I've met before, but with strangely different hair, and his eyes glowed with light. "Please. I hate this place." I told him while getting up. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name is Max, but you can call me Max." He replied, shaking my hand. "If I help you, will you help me?" He asked. "Sure, as long as it's possible for me." I told him. "Don't worry, it'll be possible." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Get ready to teleport." He quickly said as I felt my body dissolve into the light. We were then standing on Earth, near a tree. "Here you go. Have fun." He told me. "So what do you want me to help you with?" I asked him. "You don't need to know right now. Just follow what I say." He commanded, taking a breath. "I swear by my troth," he told me. "I swear by my troth," I repeated after him. "That I would help Max when he needs me." He said. "That I would help Max when he needs me." I repeated after him. But little did I know what big mistake I had done...
Next time, never swear by your troth. A few days later, Max appeared near me when I was sitting at the beach. "I need your help." He said urgently, tugging my arm. "I don't feel like it." I told him, but he kept tugging more and more.."You swore by your troth. Now come." He complained. We then dissolved into the light (I hated it when that happens. It feels so weird.) and appeared at a park. In the distance, three teenagers sat on a picnic blanket. "I need you to go take them down." He ordered, pointing over at them. "Ok," I replied, trudging over there. By this time, I had my robes, but when Max freed me from Tartarus, I didn't have them yet. I got my fingers ready; they were feeling tingly. I got closer and closer until I finally shot the first bolt of lightning at the yellow-haired dude. He looked exactly like Max, except he had different colored hair and was very pissed off. He unsheathed his sword when the other dude sitting next to him stood up and unsheathed his swords. And the girl had a dagger. Until Max appeared beside me and pulled out a mahogany book with a golden Omega on the front cover that glinted in the sun. He opened it up and muttered something. He pointed his fingers at the three, and they all stopped. They all coughed and clutched their windpipes. "Die." He demanded, and they grabbed their weapons and charged at him. They wheezed so hard that blood flew out from their throats when they coughed. But Max fought them with swords that he made of light. I then recognized the three of them: Jack, Magnus, and Athena. "Stop, Max!" I yelled at him. "You swore by your troth. Now fight these idiots." He told me, but I restrained myself. "I don't care about my stupid troth." I hissed, walking toward him. I unsheathed my sword; yes, I did have one. You thought I only did magic? Wrong. Anyway, I ran up to him and swung. He dodged and kicked me in the chest, which sent me flying a couple of feet backwards. "Don't try", he said, "I will beat you."
   "Help us!" Jack yelled as he wheezed blood. "That's what I'm trying to do!" I yelled back to him as I got to my feet and pulled out my shield. I rose my sword and lightning struck it. "Thanks, dad," I muttered under my breath as I charged at our opponent with my electrified sword. I was about to swing when Max knocked out Jack's left sword and stabbed him in that hand. "No!" I shouted as I struck at him. He fell to the floor as I electrocuted him, but Jack was already on the floor, wailing from the pain. Max yelped as I fried him with lightning, until Magnus yelled, "Stop!". I  stopped, and he looked at me. "Don't kill him." He told me. "Why? Isn't he evil?" I asked him. "Just... don't kill him." He commanded. "Listen. Jack," He said, pointing at Jack, "almost killed him." He told me. "Whatever," I shrugged. "Do you know who I am?" I asked him. "You're an elementist in disguise, let me take a guess; Mitch." He answered as I nodded my head in agreement.


   No, Sammy. Bad. You think you can do that stuff with Fic? Nuh uh. I have said some stuff (hehehe) that will stop that. And so yeah. Don't even try. I have the best plan ever, and I'm not gonna say it here because there may be some little kids out there. Who knows? Anyway, that's all I got for today. Happy Star Wars.

Boys rule. Girls drool.



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