Castle Hassle

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Well, that was awkward. My friend just took a shot, and vanished. Super evil geniuses these days. *sighs while shaking his head*. So I just went home. Then something appeared behind me, grabbed my arm, and we both vanished into the darkness.  Next thing you know, I was in a sack that was heading somewhere. 10 minutes later, the person carrying me dropped me. I opened the sack, and wiggled out to see myself in a huge castle. I turned around and saw Mitch— this       time he had an arm. How did he recover so quickly!?!?!?!!?!?!? I had no idea. That's when I took out my swords, and started slashing at Mitch. But I blinked, and one second later, he was in armor (Btw I'm 'Murican), and he had a shield and sword. Suddenly, something appeared behind Mitch. And that something was actually two things. And those two things were Magnus and Athena. They were in full battle armor, and Magnus held a maul, whilst Athena had a bow. "Where'd the dagger go?" I asked. She replied, "Oh, I like to change my style sometimes." We all fought together, 3v1. "It's hammer time!" Magnus yelled, spinning his maul in a circle. Then he started banging his weapon onto Mitch's helmet. I don't think that was a great idea. I kept slashing at him, and Athena kept shooting him. Then, Magnus charged at Mitch with all of his power, and knocked him over. They were soon on the floor punching and smashing each other.  "This isn't doing any good!" She screamed as she nocked another arrow. "Die, you fiends!" Mitch commanded. "Not today, sir!" Magnus said with a sarcastically happy voice. Then, I had a brilliant idea. There was a torch on the wall. If I could control that fire, I could surround Mitch! But I have to warn Magnus, because the two were wrestling on the floor. "Run, Magnus!" I yelled as I picked up the torch from the wall. Suddenly, Magnus's eyes turned black, and his fists were burning with black fire. "DIE, O SON OF JUPITER!!!", Magnus said in a deep voice that was totally not his. Then Mitch got so freaked out that he summoned a lightning bolt that struck him, and he fell to the floor with his hair steaming. That was it. I took the fire from the torch, and blasted it at Mitch. He was on fire. Literally. After Mitch fainted, I put the fire out. K.O. Then, Mitch disappeared. Athena ran to Magnus to check his pulse. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Athena yelled so loud that her voice echoed across the big room. Oh no.... I think he's...... He can't be. Then Athena ran to the corner of the room and started crying. Oh, goodie. I sat there, thinking of what to do next. Suddenly, something unbelievable happened. His eyes opened, and grunted, "Hello? Nice burger. It tasted yummilicious. Nom nom nom." and realized where he was. That's when Athena stopped crying, ran across the room, and tackled him. Then she got up and yelled, "YOU JERK! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!!" Magnus didn't answer, because he didn't know what just happened 10 seconds ago. Then he fell to the floor, unconscious. Athena and I carried Magnus while we explored the castle. We got to a new room where there was a bed. We put Magnus down on the bed, and Athena took out a strange, red drink that was in a glass bottle. She poured it down his mouth, and his eyes started to open. Then, he sat up. "Wait, why does my mouth taste like mushrooms? I hate them." He said. Then Athena ran up to Magnus and kissed him. Then Magnus started blushing. "Ok," I said. Wait, this book isn't supposed to be romantic! Anyways, we explored more of the castle, but we didn't find anything. While we were walking, I stepped on some sort of pressure plate, and a boulder fell from the ceiling in front of us. It kept rolling and rolling, and we kept running and running, until there was a hole that we jumped over, and the boulder fell in there. Just then, an evil creature appeared in front of us. It took out a big scythe and started to swing at us. The scythe was bloody, and it looked horrible. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my leg, and the creature was about to kill me, but then there was a light that flashed, and Mitch was holding a shield and was wearing a full set of armor. "Go! I'll deal with him!" Mitch said. So Athena, Magnus, and I ran for our dear lives, while Mitch fought off the creature.


Hello! Sorry if my chapters have too much fighting in them. I literally don't know what to do, so I like some action. And guys, there was a Terraria reference. If you found it out, tell me what it is in the comments. Speaking of the comments, no one is saying anything about this book. I need chapter suggestions. I just need at least one comment for every chapter. Can I also get votes, because soon I wanna enter the wattys. But probably the 2017 wattys, because it's already October 2015. And the contest is still up. And yes, Sammy, you can enter a character (but don't make it Jake because I already have Jack and I'm gonna get mixed up). And guys, we've reached 101 reads so far! Keep up the good work. So that's all I got to say. Until next time!
Keep clam and eat humans,



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