Boom Boom Goes the Mountain

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Jack's POV

"Whoa," I said as we walked through the city. This place was huge! It had so much stuff, too. We were walking, until suddenly, I felt a shock. My eyes glowed yellow, and I felt like I wasn't controlling my body anymore. "No! Stop! Dang, stupid son of a mother!" I started to say. That's when my body started floating up in the air,going higher and higher, until I did something that I regretted. "SUPER FIREY ROAR!" I yelled as the ground started to rumble and fire burst from the floor and shot straight toward Olympus. It hit the mountain, and it blew up. Oh, no. Zeus and all the other Olympian gods showed up with angry faces. "HEY, WHAT HAPPENED!" Zeus yelled. "You shall be punished right now!" He said. Suddenly, I was teleported to a dark place. The sky was grey, and the air was sulfurous. "Oh, no. IM IN TARTARUS!!!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. How will I survive? Well, I guess I did destroy Mount Olympus, but I wasn't controlling it. Whatever. It's not like the crew can't come back for me and save me, right? I just need to survive that long. After a while, I became hungry, until suddenly, I saw a golden flame floating in the air. It looked so yummy. Wait, how could fire be yummy? Anyway, I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and ate it. It tasted so good....

Athena's POV

Well, that just happened. We all walked away as the gods went back to the mountain to rebuild it. We went back through the portal, and into that city. We walked back to the ship, and flew home. "What the hell was that?" I asked. "Oh, just your typical friend-gets-possessed-by-something-and-destroys-Mount-Olympus-and-gets-sent-to-Tartarus." Magnus answered. "We have to go save him," I said. "Sorry, we have more important things right now, like the fact that we were about to die yesterday." Helen said. When we landed, we were walking home. "I'm hungry. Guys, I wanna try something out. Just watch." Magnus said as he unsheathed his sword. He stabbed the air, and pulled his sword down, as if he was ripping someone open. "You just stabbed the air." I said. "Ok, Mrs. Obvious. Let me do this". "Ok then". He dropped the sword and opened the hole he ripped in the air. The inside was black. He stuck his hand in, and when he took it out, he had a sandwich in his hand. "I'm a magician!" He said. "Wait, so you just took a sandwich out of the void? And I wouldn't be eating that if I were you. Maybe something peed on it, or—" I was cut off by Magnus spitting the bite he just took from the sandwich. "Ok. Maybe your right. Next time I won't randomly take food out from the void. But watch this," he said. He stepped into the hole, and a few seconds later, he shouted, "Hello!" from a few thousand feet away. We ran over to him, amazed. "Whoa, that was awesome!" Helen said. "Yes, it is awesome, which is exactly why I will use it to save Jack." He said. Smart boy, I thought. That's why I kissed him in the first place. Not because he was about to die and I saved him, but because he's smart, just like me. Anyway, we planned on finding Jack, but we found out it would take a long time. "Let's start tomorrow. It's already late afternoon," I said. We all walked to our houses, except for Helen, who of course, just camped next to her ship. The next morning was way better. We all got ready to go on our long trip to Tartarus. We all boarded the ship, and blasted off into a hole in the void. We went in our ship because we thought that we could go longer distances than walking. Instead of flying straight, we flew down, so we get to Tartarus. After a few minutes, we finally got to Tartarus. We decided to walk the whole way, so we accidentally don't miss Jack. So we walked and walked until we found a ruined shelter. We decided to stay there for a while. Well, we stayed there for the night. We all took turns watching, while the others slept. When it was my turn, I felt really nervous. Suddenly, after a few minutes, I felt a chill in my bones. Something was coming. I heard a roar. A roar? That sounds a little... weird.
Do you think of a flock of wild harpies as a threat? I definitely do not. I've fought like a million of those before. As they came down on us, I woke the others up. We slashed their heads off one by one. After we killed the last one, we heard a second roar. "Uhhhhh....... Is that what I think it is?" Magnus asked. The ground shook, and out came a drakon. But this one was the biggest one I've ever seen. We kept hitting it, but nothing happened. As I was slashing, something really bad happened. I froze, and I saw a sword going through Magnus's back, and coming out from the other side.


How was that? I hope you liked it. I'm getting really excited, because I can't wait to write the part that I'm slowly getting to. Very, very slowly. Slow like a turtle. Some evil things will happen, and some awesome things will happen. I won't tell you what will happen, because it would suck to have the author to spoil the book for you. I also wanted to say: guys, go check out this new game that came out a few months ago, Minecraft Story Mode. Some of you might've heard about it. The game is pretty cool. I'm planning on getting it this weekend if I can. I also wanted to say: thanks! I already have 4 followers! I hope I get more. That's all I have to say for now.
Keep calm and game on,


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