Ha! Goty!

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Magnus's POV

HEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!! GOTY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA! I am so cruel. Did you think I actually died? No, way! As my evil brother left, I woke up from my black out. Luckily, I wasn't dead. As you can see, my sibling stabbed me in the arm. I think you all forgot that I had an Achilles heel (read chapter 3). But I also remembered something else: I was the only one out of all 4 of us that had one. As I pulled the sword out of my arm, pain surged through my body, but this time, it wasn't as bad. I threw the bloody weapon as far as I could. I walked over to Athena and picked her up. I walked over to the nearest tree, and set her down. I then walked over to Jack and Helen, picked them up, and put them next to the tree. I sat next to my girlfriend, mourning. I started to feel like I wanted to stab my heel to feel the pain. Stupid evil twin brothers. I started hugging her a few more times. I know your thinking, Hey Magnus, why are you hugging dead bodies? Are you mental or something?, but no. That dead body is my closest person to me. I kept sitting there, until the bodies disappeared. Except for one. That one is... *drumroll*......... Jack!
  Suddenly, my vision exploded like one of those flash bangs from Call of Duty. I'm not a big fan of first-person shooters, but eh. Anyways, after my vision focused, I saw something that totally blew my mind. Jack was alive. Are you kidding me? Like, my best friend gets to live, but my girl dies? Just... No. I'm not dirty minded like that, Fates, so just don't think about it. Back to the story. So his eyes fluttered open, glowing with golden flames. "Hey, dude!" He said as he pulled the blade out of his chest. "Dude, you give me the creeps. Like, why the hell does everyone keep dying and coming back to life? Like, seriously, DarthAwesome369, don't do that!" I said. "Well, I seriously don't know." He said. "So, how do we get out of here? And if we do, where do we go?" He asked. "I know one place, but I think it's the safest place we can go to." I answered. "Where can we go?" He asked. "We can go to the Realms of Darkness." I said.
It's really funny how the safest place we can go to is one of the most dangerous and scariest. The Realms of Darkness are the only places where we are out-of-reach from the Gods and Titans. Why go there? Because we kinda angered Zeus by saving Jack, so the Gods are after us. As we walked into the void, I felt a chill in my bones. After a few minutes we walked out into a very, very dark forest. I heard monsters screaming. We walked until we reached a clearing in the woods, where we sat down to rest after the long walk. "What do we do now?" Jack asked as he breathed hardly. "I think I might know someone we can go to, but you might not like them." I said, hoping that the person we go to doesn't do anything to us. "Ok." He agreed. "But you may want to be careful." I advised. "Ok, ok. So where do we find this... someone?" He asked. "Just follow me." I said as I pulled him with me. After hours and hours of walking across the vast forest, we finally met our destination; a huge temple perched atop a mountain. Even though we were in a very dark place, the temple still radiated with light. "Ok, I think I know where we're going." Jack assumed. As we climbed the rocky terrain, my heart started to fill with more and more dread. Do you guys know who it is yet? No? Ok. Thoughts were whispering in my mind. Go jump off a cliff. Your life is miserable. Maybe you should just end your life now and not worry about the dangers of this world. I restrained myself from listening to them, but they were pretty mesmerizing. We finally got to the top, and the front door was giant. Instead of us opening it, it opened for us. Personally, I've never ever heard of a giant automatic door. As we walked in, there was a really big hallway that had, like, so many doors on each side. When we were walking through, my body started feeling... weird. "I have a bad feeling about this." I said (CLICHÉ MAN TO THE RESCUE!). There was another big automatic door at the end of the hall; this time, it was smaller. When we walked through, it led to a huge room, and at the end of it, was a throne. And on that throne was my brother, Max.


Sorry about the beginning. Just... eh. I'm also sorry if I took too long for the chapter to be updated. I am a Pisces after all... #PiscesRocks. I also wanted to ask you guys something else: I'm wanting to make another book, but I can't decide what to make it about: Star Wars or Minecraft. I already know how they start, I just want your feedback on which one I should do. Other than that, I have nothing else to say right now. This is DarthAwesome369 signing out.


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