Part 38: First Day Back

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It had been almost two weeks since I had been in school. Caleb was still unconscious, and I still wasn't sleeping or talking much. Bella had said things would get better even if he didn't wake up just yet, that things would slip back into place. But they weren't, and each day was getting worse and worse.

I decided that school was exactly what I needed, because I needed some brutal normality in my life.

"It's good to have you back." Bella smiled, as we took our seat at our lunch table.

"I never thought I'd say this, but it's good to be back." I admitted.

"Just ignore them." My best friend muttered, her mouth full with food as a group of girls walked past, staring.

"I'm trying."

"On a brighter note, it's your birthday on Friday!" Bella changed the subject.

I shrugged. "No biggie."

"Abbie it's your eighteenth."


"You're only 18 once!"

"You're only any age once Bella." I pointed out. "That's how ageing works."

Bella rolled her eyes at me letting out an over dramatic breath. "Abbie Samantha Magdalene Priscilla Coleen Parks," I cringed at the sound of my full name. "You're turning 18 in a few days and you're celebrating it with me whether you want to or not."

"This isn't a good idea."

"You're right. It's a great idea."

I was about to argue but I was distracted by Bella's dropping jaw and shaking head. I turned around to see a stumbling Tyler coming towards us from the parking lot.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" I asked, getting up and running to him. The smell of beer and vodka hit me as soon as I was at a 5 metre radius away from him.

"Shit Tyler. You reek of alcohol." I exclaimed, grabbing his arms and turning him around to face the parking lot instead of the school.

"Well," His smile was sloppy, drunken. "What do you expect me to smell of if I've been drinking every day for the past two weeks? Roses?"

"What is wrong with you?" I demanded.

He shrugged, bowing his head. "Caleb, Caleb is in hospital."

I nodded. "I know."

"And he's not waking up."

Bella and I exchange a look and with a deep breath I shook my head. "He's going to though."

Tyler looked up at me, obviously trying very hard to keep his eyes from rolling back into his head. "How can you be sure? Are you the doctor?"

I turned to Bella. "Please go find Ryan somewhere. I'll take care of Tyler here but please bring him here." Bella nodded and instantly ran off, as I looked back at Tyler. "Tyler, Caleb is going to be fine."

Tyler slipped from between my hands and slumped on the ground. "Abbie, I've known him since we were this small." He held up his index finger and thumb to indicate a small size. "If he dies, if he dies, I will die."

Shit. I could feel the tears forming at the image. I fluttered my eyelids quickly to get rid of them and turned back to the alcoholic in front of me.

"He's going to wake up. Now get up Tyler."

"No he's not. You can't be sure! He might die--"

Before I knew it my palm was flying across Tyler's face, making his head fall back as he clumsily grabbed onto his red cheek and grunted.

I stared in shock for a second at what I had unconsciously done, before the tears started flowing. "I'm sorry Tyler, I didn't mean to hurt you but I can't listen to this. I can't listen to your negativity and the possibility of him, him." I couldn't say it. "You know! He's going to be fine for fuck sake! He's going to wake up!"

By this point Bella had returned with Ryan and were standing above us, confused and worried, possibly even scared.

"What happened here?" Ryan asked.

I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and stood up.

Tyler spat out the blood that must have come from him biting himself when I slapped him. He proceeded to stand up, still drunk, leaning on the nearest tree for stabilisation.

I didn't say anything, just looked at him sympathetically.

"He loved, loves you Abbie." Tyler spoke, looking up at me. "He really does."

I sighed. "I know. I love him too."

Bella glared at me in surprise and all their faces lit up. "You do?"

I nodded.

"Abbie, I'm sorry for everything I said at prom." Ryan apologised. "You were still with Dan and I didn't know you well enough to judge you, but I knew how much Caleb loves you and I didn't want my best mate to get hurt."

"You're perfect for him." Tyler added with a sloppy grin.

I couldn't hold my smile back even if I tried. Bella wrapped her arms around me as I pressed my cheek to her neck.

"Caleb is going to wake up and everything is going to go back to normal." She said. "I promise."

I nodded, parting with her, and looking back at Tyler. "First we need to take care of you."

Tyler's eyes shot up. "Me? But I'm fine!"

"You're drunk." Ryan muttered, grabbing Tyler's arm to straighten him out. "Come on let's get you home."

"No! No! My mum has a day off work. She can't see me drunk like this when I'm meant to be in school!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Fine, we'll go mine. I only have one lesson today so I'll just bunk." Ryan told him. "Come on."

"Bye guys." Bella and I waved as they walked away and Ryan mouthed 'Thank you'.

"Oh God." Bella breathed. "That trouble maker better wake up soon."

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