chapter 23

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On her way home she decided to stop for a coffee at the coffee house and calm herself down. When she approached the coffee house. She looked through the window and saw chandler sitting there. For some reason a wave of excitement rushed through her. She didn’t know why. Maybe it was just seeing him again? She though it as a perfect opportunity to go talk to him and sort everything out just as she went to approach the door a Brunette haired woman came and sat next to him and he leaned in and kissed her. Monica’s heart broke into two. She felt her legs go all wobbly, she felt dizzy in the head. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen. She ran up the stairs of her apartment and rushed inside locking the door behind her. She dropped to the ground and started crying. She had never cried this much before.

3 hours later. She slowed her crying down. She got up of the floor and wiped her face. She went to walk to her room. She went to shut the window when she looked up and saw chandler walk into his apartment with the lady from the coffee house. She slammed down the window and ran to her room. She felt like her heart broke into tinier pieces. She had never been so heart broken in her life. She layed down on her bed and cried her eyes out again.

An hour later Monica heard the front door unlocking. She figured it would be phoebe dropping of Katy so she turned herself over so she was facing the opposite way and pretended that she was asleep. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone. She heard footsteps outside and her name being called out. She then heard the creek of her door open. “Monica?” she heard phoebe whisper. Phoebe noticed that she was sleeping and shut the door. She could hear phoebe telling Katy to play in her room and leave her mother alone. As she heard the front door shut. She begun to cry again, as he sobs got louder she heard a knock on her door. “Mommy?” Katy said opening the door. When Monica didn’t respond Katy climbed up on the bed and sat next to her. Monica wiped her face before turning over to face her daughter. “What’s wrong sweetie?” she asked trying to hold back her tears. “I heard you crying, and I heard phoebe talking to mike saying you where upset cause chandler” Katy said holding her mother’s hand. Monica didn’t answer. “Mommy is you crying because you miss chandler?” Katy asked. Monica nodded. “Why did you say to him to never come back then?” Katy asked. “Because I was angry, and when people are angry they say things they don’t really mean” Monica said sitting up. “Oh, I was angry the other night and I said I hate you, but mommy I don’t me love you” Katy smiled. “I know sweet heart” Monica smiled stocking Katy’s hair. “Do you think chandler will ever come back?” Katy asked obviously upset by the idea of him never coming back. Monica hesitated before answering the question. “Yeah he will” she lied. Katy got a big smile on her face. “I miss chandler mommy, he is my best fwend” Katy frowned. “What about lily?” Monica questioned. “She is my best kid friend. Chandler is my best big boy friend” Monica smiled. “Mommy misses chandler too, she missed him so much, chandlers mommy’s only best friend” Monica said trying to hold back her tears. She faked a smile for Katy. Katy got off the bed and left. Monica felt a little upset. She was surprised how much comfort her daughter could provide for when she was upset. A few minutes later Katy walked back in and climbed up on to the bed and noticed Monica crying again. She sat on Monica’s lap and wiped Monica face with her tiny hands. She then passed Monica her teddy bear, the one that chandler gave her. “Here mommy, you can borrow this, when me miss chandler me just hug it and I fell better” Katy smiled. Monica smiled and hugged her daughter. “Thank you, I love you” Monica said. Katy went to walk out and go to her bedroom when Monica stopped her. “Sweetie?” Katy turned around. “Do you want to sleep with mommy tonight” Monica asked. She couldn’t bear to be alone. But yet she couldn’t bear to be around anyone. Katy nodded enthusiastically and climbed onto Monica’s bed and climbed under the covers. Monica gave Katy the teddy and hugged them both as she fell asleep.

The next day Monica woke up to Katy sitting in her bed next to her playing with her Barbies. Monica looked in her arms to see she had been hugging the teddy herself. Monica rolled onto her back and smiled at her daughter. “Good morning beautiful” Monica said stroking Katy’s hair. “Morning mommy!” Katy said hugging her. Katy looked at her mother’s belly and then back at her face. “Mommy what have you eaten? Your belly is big” Katy giggled getting of the bed and going into the living room. Monica got out of her bed and looked in the mirror to see she had a baby bump. She was so focused on chandler and she never realised the baby inside her growing. Monica placed her hand on her belly as she watched herself in the mirror. This was the first time it sunked in. She was pregnant. There was a baby growing inside her. And it was chandlers. Monica started tearing up at the thought of chandler. Monica’s thought where quickly distracted when Michael entered her room. “Hey baby” he said pecking her lips. He looked at her belly and placed his hand on it. “My little man is growing” he smiled. Monica felt guilty for letting Michael thinking the baby was his but chandler had a new girlfriend and obviously didn’t care. “What makes you think it will be a boy?” Monica asked putting her robe around her. “I can just tell, and I think he will be a spitting image of me” Michael said pecking Monica on the lips and walking out the room. Monica frowned at the idea of the baby looking a spitting image of Michael; the baby wouldn’t even look the tiniest bit like Michael. In her mind she thought it would be a spitting image of chandler. And she wondered how she would go through her life seeing chandler in the baby. Monica walked out to the kitchen where Michael was making himself breakfast. “Were where you last night” Monica asked placing the milk back in the fridge. “Just out with some friends” he said. Monica felt woozy in the belly. “Michael could you dress lily and make her breakfast I’m not feeling too well” Monica said walking to her bedroom. “No can do sweet heart I have to go” “go where?” “Out” Michael said pecking her lips. Monica didn’t understand. Michael was so happy about having another baby yet he didn’t even care nor do anything for the child they already had. Monica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Katy ran in after her. “Mommy what’s wrong why you sick?” she asked placing her Barbie doll on the sink and walking over to where her mother sat. “Sweetie, I’m ok” Monica said standing up. “Then why is your belly getting big?” Katy asked holding on to Monica hand. Monica picked up Katy and sat her onto the kitchen table. She thought it was time she knew about the baby. “Caitlin...” “Am I in trouble?” Katy said interrupting Monica. “No sweetie why would you think that?” Monica asked brushing Katy’s hair out of her face. “Cause you said Catiline instead of Katy, and you only call me Catiline when I bad” Monica smiled. “You’re not in trouble sweetheart, I just want to tell you mommy and Chan... daddy are going to have a baby” Monica said unsure if Katy heard the Chan part. “Really? So where do I go” Katy said getting a little upset. Monica cupped Katy’s face in her hands. “Baby, you will stay here with us? Why did you think you would have to leave?” Monica asked concerned. Katy hesitated before answering. “I don’t know” she lied. Monica stood up and placed Katy off the table. “Sweetie your friend’s birthday party is today at the park so go get ready” Monica said.

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