Chapter 30

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This may get emotinal for some people, maybe, i don't know, but please read and tell me what you think.

*Monica’s apartment*

Monica walked up the stairs to her door. She breathed in and out and stood there for what felt like 3 hours before walking in. When she decided to walk in she saw Michaels head pop out from the couch. Monica smiled nervously. “Hey baby, where have you been, I missed you?” Monica nodded. “d-dropping o-off Katy” she strutted failing at trying to hide her fear. “Ok, so we are alone?” he asked.  Monica gulped before nodding. Michael smiled at her and got up off the couch and kissed Monica passionately. Monica felt terrible. She was cheating on chandler. But it was with her husband? Monica shook the thought out of her head as she pulled away. “i-i-i need to go and do something” she said plastering a fake smile on her face and walking into Katy’s room. “Ok baby, well don’t be too long I have been wanting to have you for a week, and now we are alone I can” he said winking. Monica looked at him then turned and continued to walk to Katy’s room. He was such a pig. How could have she ever once thought she loved him. Little known marry him. Once Monica was in Katy’s room she grabbed a bag and stuffed as many of Katy’s clothes in it as possible. She walked out and begun to walk to her room so she could do the same with her clothes. “Ready?” Michael said walking behind her into the room. Monica dropped the bag at his sudden touch. He began to kiss her neck. And feel up her body. Monica pulled around to face him. “Stop” she said as she began to place some of her clothes in the bag. Michael grabbed her by her waste. “Playing hard to get huh?” he laughed as he continued to kiss her neck.

Monica pulled away. “Michael we need to talk” she shot at him. “Dirty talk huh? My girl is getting better isn’t she” he said. “No Michael! I want a divorce” she shouted. She opened her eyes and saw Michaels face, he was furious. “Why!” he shouted.  “Because I don’t love you anymore” Monica said quietly. “Why? Why don’t you love me? Is there someone else?” Michael shouted pegging Monica up against the wall. Monica didn’t answer. “Is there someone else!” he screamed into her face. Monica simply nodded. “Its chandler isn’t it?” he shouted. Monica didn’t answer again. “Is it chandler!” he screamed even louder into her face. “Yes” Monica cried. “So the baby was his? Huh? Well aren’t you just a little slut!” he shouted as he slammed his fist across her face. Monica fell to the floor with blood dripping of her face. She struggled to get up but Michael kicked her in the stomach making her fall back down. She held her stomach trying to catch back her breath. She reached for the bag and went to stand up again but he kicked her in the ribs. The ones that where already severely bruised. Monica screamed in pain as she cried. He held his foot up to show her that he was about to kick her in the ribs again. She could hardly see. Her vision was all fuzzy. Her ribs throbbed with pain “I will keep doing this until you say you’re going to stay with me!” he shouted. Monica didn’t say anything. He kicked her hard in the ribs. She screamed again. He went to kick her again. “I WILL STAY WITH YOU! I-I-I WILL STAY WITH YOU” she cried. “Good” he said kissing her forehead and walking out the door.

*chandlers work*

Chandler was typing on his laptop trying to think of ways him and Monica could sort everything out with Michael. He was quickly distracted when he heard a knock at his door. He open the door to see Joey standing there with a lady. He smiled and hugged Joey. “Hey Man, I haven’t seen you in moths he said motioning both Joey and the girl he was with into his office. “I know I have been busy shooting Movies” he smiled. Chandler laughed as he sat back down at his chair. He looked over at the girl then looked back at Joey to indicate him to introduce her. She was a tall thin woman with shoulder length blond hair. She looked like a model. Joey catched on to chandler. “Oh! This is, this is my fiancé Riley” he smiled. Chandler let out his hand for her to shake. “Nice to meet you” chandler said shaking her hand. “You too, I have heard so much about you” she smiled pulling away her hand. “Well that’s a shame because I haven’t heard anything about you” chandler smiled. “So you too are engaged, I never thought you were going to settle down Joe” chandler joked. Joey smiled. “Ha-ha very funny, Yeah we met 6 months ago, and I fell in love with her instantly” Joey said kissing her on the lips. “Ok!” chandler said indicating them to stop making out. Joey pulled away. “Anyway where did you’s meet?” This time riley answered. “Well I was sun bathing on a beach in California when Joey came over and started flirting with my friend, but she shoved her hand in his face showing him she was married. He chased after her for a while but when he had no luck with her he came to me. We talked for a while. But nothing happened. Then a month later I was helping out on the movie set and that’s when we ran into each other again, and fell in love” She said moving over to kiss Joey again. “Well that’s...romantic?” chandler said a little loud so they wouldn’t start making out again. Joey looked over at chandler desk to see a picture of chandler, Monica and Katy on Katy’s first birthday. “So how’s it going with your friend...Monica!” Joey said as he remembered her name. “Well...” chandler smiled ready to tell a very complicated story. “You slept with her now you are together?” Joey asked butting in and patting chandler back. “Not exactly” chandler replied. “But you took my advice? And it worked, right?” Joey said nodding and smiling. “Well I took your advice, we slept together and...” chandler went to continue but noticed that Riley was in the room. Riley noticed she was the reason chandler was continuing. “Oh don’t mind me, Joey told me about you loving her forever and she had a husband, trust me I know the whole thing” she smiled.  “Ok?” chandler answered confused. “Anyway we slept together and she left me the next morning, saying she was a horrible person for Cheating on her husband, and then I tried to make her stay so I told her I loved her, but she still walked out on me. I went and saw her the next day and she yelled at me saying she didn’t think we should see each other anymore, then we didn’t talk for months and then I came back trying to resolve things and we had a big fight, then I found out she was pregnant with my baby and Michael thought it was his and I wasn’t allowed to do anything about it then we had another big fight and didn’t talk for each other for another month or so then I come back bringing her daughter home because she was sick and I ran into her. Then we had another fight about the baby, Michael me and her. Then I told her how much I loved her and Katy and how much better father I would be then Michael then she yelled at me. Then she looses the baby and Michael accuses her of killing another one of his babies then she told him the baby wasn’t even his, he got mad they had an um... fight” chandler said not wanting to tell them she was being abused. “Then I open my door and she is there crying, she comes in saying how much she loves me and how she was wrong and how I was the only man she ever wanted to be with and now she is at home upset about How to tell Michael she wants a divorce, so yeah Joey you could say your advice worked...” chandler said sarcastically. Both riley and joeys mouths had dropped. “Oh my god dude I had no idea” Joey said sympathetically. “It’s alright, all that matters Is me and her are together and I can protect her” chandler smiled. “And I guess we wouldn’t be together if it wasn’t for you making me realise how in love I was with her, so thanks man” chandler said getting up and hugging Joey. “Yeah your welcome, but I feel bad that you had to go through so much like losing a child, just to be together” Joey said blaming it on himself. “It doesn’t matter, all that is over” chandler said sitting back down. When they say down they noticed Riley looking at the picture frame. “Wow she is beautiful, you’re a lucky man” she smiled placing it back on the table. “Thank you, can I ask a big favour from you guys?” chandler asked repositioning the frame to its original place. “Yeah sure, absolutely anything” Joey smiled. “Could you’s go to Monica’s apartment, get a bag of her and Katy’s clothes and then bring them to my apartment?” he asked. “Ok, sure, but wont her husband be there and wounder what’s going on?” Riley asked. “No don’t worry he is on one of his drunken trips to Vegas” chandler said as he rolled his eyes. “Here is the key to Monica’s apartment and Joey you know where her apartment is, just bring the clothes back to my place okay?” chandler asked placing the key infront of Joey. “Ok, we’ll meet you at your place” Joey said getting up and leaving with riley.

little did they know what they would find when they got there...

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