Chapter 31

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Joey and Riley arrived at Monica’s building they were standing outside the coffee house. “I feel so sorry for chandler” Riley said as she walked to the doors of the building. “Yeah me too, I mean just to be with the woman her loves he had to lose a baby and...” Joey was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. “Hello? Yes that’s right I am in New York, oh my god! Yes I’ll be there, thank you so much” Joey said as he hung up the phone. “Who was that?” riley asked as they approached the stairs. “That was my adgent; she said here in New York there is an audition for fast and the furious 6!” Joey said excitedly. “Really, that’s great, when is the audition?” she asked as she begun to climb the flock of stairs. “Well the only reason there is a part available is because the guy the hired hit by car and is now in a coma...” Joey said a little heartless. “So I have to go right now if I want the part.  “Ok well I will get the clothes, but where is chandler’s apartment?” Riley asked. “Well when you go into Monica’s apartment look right out the window and that his apartment ill go over there and wave to you, ok?” Joey said kissing riley and leaving.

When riley approached the door she slowly unlocked the door. She felt like she was breaking into someone’s house. When she walked in the door. She looked out the window she saw Joey waving enthusiastically. Riley waved and blew him a kiss and watched him walk out chandler’s apartment. Riley walked loosely around the apartment; she didn’t really know where these clothes where she was meant to get. She looked in a room; the room was bright pink and had pictures that looked like they had been drawn by a 4 year old. She assumed it was Katy’s room and walked in. She looked around for a bag, when she finally saw one she opened the closet to see there was only A few pieces of clothing hanging there. She put them in the bad and decided to look in the other room. When she walked in the other room. She dropped the bag to the floor in shock. She saw Monica laying there with blood on her face and burses on her face she was holding her stomach and was slightly crying. Monica heard slight footsteps come into the room. She started to panic thinking it was Michael. “Michael I’m sorry, please please don’t hurt me, I love you” she struggled to get out. Riley ran over to her and dropped to her knees. “It’s okay Monica I’m not Michael I won’t hurt you” Riley was so shocked. How could any man do this to a lady? Monica slightly looked over at riley. She was all blurred and it was hard for Monica to make out who it was. “w-who are y-y-you?” Monica struggled to say. “I’m chandlers friend, I’m here to help you, ok?” riley said. Monica could hardly hear what she was saying a loud ringing noise mixed with her words just came out as a slur to Monica. Monica nodded. “b-b-but Michael he will h-hurt m-me” Monica said just below a whisper. “He isn’t here, we will take you to a hospital and you will be safe, ok?” Monica heard hospital and attempted to shake her head. “No n-not the hospital, take me to ch-chandlers” she again struggled to get out. Riley nodded and pulled Monica’s arm so she was standing up. Monica cried in pain. “I know it hurts Monica but the quicker we are at chandlers the quicker you can be safe” riley said wrapping Monica’s arm around her shoulder. Monica pointed to the bag she packed earlier and got riley to pick it up. On the way down the stairs Monica was pretty much hanging of Riley. Monica could hardly walk. Riley struggled to get Monica safely across the street. When she came to chandlers building she thanked god in relief that there was an elevator. When they were in the elevator Monica was still crying in pain. “I’m sorry that it’s hurting you but we are almost there” riley said trying to comfort her. The ding of the elevator doors opening was like a weight had been lifted of riley’s shoulder. Chandler’s door was not that far from the elevator. When riley unlocked chandler’s door she placed Monica on the couch. She grabbed Monica’s cell phone and rang chandler. “Hello chandler? Who is this? It’s Riley, joey’s girlfriend, I’m at your apartment, you need to get here quick. Why? It’s Monica!” riley shouted in the phone. Chandler threw his work phone not even putting it back on the pin. He bolted out the door and ran to a cab. When he was in a cab he called phoebe. The phone rang 5 times before and answering machine picked up. Chandler tried three more times and there was still no answer. He was almost at his apartment he called another time and finally someone picked up. “Hello?” “Phoebe!” “Yeah who is this?” “Its chandler, Monica can’t pick up Katy today and either can I so can you please pick her up and bring her to my apartment” “ok” soon as chandler heard ok he hang up the phone. The cab quickly pulled up out front of his apartment. He bolted up the stairs not bothering to take the elevator and ran through the door. He stopped in shock at the sight of Monica. He ran over to her. “Oh my god, Monica what happened?” Chandler asked in a panic. “I...clothes...sorry...Michael” Monica shakily answered. “Monica you’re not making any sense” chandler said getting teary eyed. “I went over to her apartment to get the clothes like you asked, and she was lying on her bedroom floor like this, I wanted to take her to the hospital but she said to bring her here” Riley said. Chandler looked at riley quickly then back at Monica. “We need to take you to the hospital” he said. “No no no, I don’t want to go to the hospital” Monica said. “That’s the first time she hasn’t stuttered and slurred her words” riley said. “Monica we are going to a hospital” chandler insured her. “No” Monica said sitting up. She clenched her eyes together in pain and layed back down. “Monica we...” “No, its okay, I don’t want to go to the hospital I’ll be fine” Monica said cutting of chandler. “But Monica look at you” chandler said concernally. “Chandler I will be fine, I can see properly now and hear properly, so I’m getting better, I’ll be fine” Monica smiled placing her hand on chandlers cheek. “Ok, But what happened?” chandler asked. Monica went to answer but saw Riley standing there. “Who is that?” she asked quietly. “Oh, that’s riley, my friend Joey’s fiancé she saw you at your apartment and brang you here” chandler smiled look over at riley. “Oh well thank you so much Monica smiled, but what where you doing in my apartment?” She asked trying to look over at riley. Riley went to answer but chandler answered for her. “I asked if they could get clothes for you and Katy” chandler smiled. “Oh” Monica said. “Wait why where you at your apartment?” chandler asked. Riley saw that it was time for her to go. “Well I’m going to go see how Joey is going with his audition, I’ll see you two around” she smiled walking to the door. Chandler Went after her and shut the door behind him. “Listen Riley, thank you so much, for getting Monica here, you literally saved her life, I cant thank you enough” chandler smiled. “It’s okay, I hope she is feeling better, I’ll see you later” she smiled as she went into the elevator. Chandler walked back into the apartment. He saw Monica trying to sit up. “No lay down sweetie” he said laying her back down. “What did he do?” he asked looking at her face. He lifted up her shirt and saw boot marks on her belly and where her ribs where previously bruised where bruised much worse. “Oh my god” chandler said. Monica tried to push her shirt down.  “Monica you can’t let him get away with this” chandler said lifting her shirt back up so he could see the bruises again. “Chandler if we tell someone, everything will just get worse, please promises me you won’t tell?” she said with teary eyes. “o-ok” chandler said. He hated that Monica let Michael get away with things like this. “Anyway why where you at the apartment, why did he hit you?” chandler asked. Monica looked at her bruises then back up at chandler. “I went to get clothes and tell him it was over and I wanted a divorce” Monica’s said barley below a whisper. “Monica you promised me you wouldn’t do anything” chandler said. “i-i-i I’m sorry I just wanted everything to be over and done with so we could be together properly” Monica said starting to cry. Chandler hated to see her cry. He kissed her softly on the lips and hugged her loosely so he would hurt her.  Chandler sat up next to Monica; she sat up carefully but painfully and lent her head against his shoulder. “Monica tell me the whole thing, tell me what happened?” chandler said. He didn’t really want to know the details knowing it would upset him, but he had to know so he could press charges. “Monica?” chandler questioned after a few minutes of silence. “Tell me what happened” “Why does it matter?” Monica shot at him. “Because it just does, please just tell me” chandler said moving position so he could look at her face. Monica took in a deep breath before starting. “I told him I wanted a divorce, and then he, then he...” Monica suddenly burst into tears. Chandler pulled her close to him so she could feel his support. “Then he pegged me up against the, t-the wall and started screaming in my face, and then he punch me, and when...and when I fell to the ground he started kicking my ribs and then he kicked me in the stomach and then...” chandler stopped her. “Shh... You don’t have to tell me anymore” he said wiping the tears from her face. Monica’s muffled sobs against his chest made him teary eyed. He didn’t know why Michael had to hurt her. He felt so sorry for Monica. She had been through so much and he blamed it all himself. If he didn’t come in the picture they would have been a perfect family. Just want Monica wanted. Chandler’s thoughts were distracted by the loud knocking on the door. Monica sat up slightly. “I think that’s phoebe here with Katy” he said. Monica didn’t reply she just nodded. She really didn’t want her daughter to see her like this. Chandler walked over and answered the door, he opened it only slightly enough to show his figure, but not enough for phoebe to see Monica on the couch and start raising questions. “Chandler!” Katy screamed clinging onto his leg and hugging it. “Hey sweetie” he said brushing her hair back. “Thanks phoebe, for bringing her back” chandler said taking his gaze from Katy to Phoebe. “It’s Okay, But can I ask you a question, these last couple of weeks have be so confusing for me, Is everything ok?” she asked in all seriousness. Chandler hesitated. “Well, everything is ok; it’s just been a bumpy track you know what I mean?”  He said looking back down at Katy who was still clung onto his leg. “Well no, I don’t know what you mean, but I’ll take your word for it, Bye chandler, bye Katy” phoebe smiled as she walked away. Katy ran through the door but stop in her tracks at the sight of her mom.

What else had micheal planned on doing...

Eh.. Dont you just hate micheal? What a basterd? Haha! anyway! tell me what you think? review please! 

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