I got a retard for a husband

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Today Natsu and Gray were all dressed up fancily for one reason... (No, not another marriage or honeymoon.)

Trumpets blared in the background. People scattered from far and near, even from the newly and renamed Nations, Iron and Lightening. Yes, they were all better now. The people from the nations were happier these days as their Nation was newly resorted by the help of two young men.

They all came for one reason. A coronation. Today, Natsu and Gray would be crowned emperors. But I'm a hundred percent sure, another thing that motivated people to come was the hilarious and amazing Priest who was throning the two.

"Dearly beloved people, you are welcomed here today at Il Primo Mavis... To watch two princes- one might be a princess, I'm still confused- anyways to watch these two finally dethrone their... Horrid parents and take over and rule this world. Does anyone have any complaints?" Sasu-sama said with arms spread out and a halo flying over his head (special effects crew were bribed into it. Sadly they couldn't give him holographic wings)

"Me!" Silver muttered as he stood to the left stroking his Crown of Ice. He would lose that in a few minutes.

"Let me reword that... Anyone important have any complaints?" He gave Silver a small smirk. After today he didn't have to call Silver, 'boss' but maybe 'Silver-chan'.

The crowd laughed at the joke but soon quieted down to listen to more of his sass.

"Aren't you nervous?" Natsu whispered. Grays eyes widened instantly. This was probably the first time he had ever heard Natsu say something like this. Even if he felt this, he would most likely keep it to himself. Gray smiled, Natsu was opening up to him more and more.

"No, cuz you're here!" Gray whispered back. He grinned at Natsu with a small blush. Natsu simply gave him the dirtiest look he could muster.

"Cut the cheesiness. The people at the back can smell that. I'm serious!?"

"Yeah, so am I!"

"... Awe- I mean... Whatever!" But everyone saw Natsu's cheeks go pinker than his hair. Even his mother and Ur choked on the drinks they were drinking. However in Zia Urs case, the vodka she was drinking because she assumed the drinking vodka was the most appropriate thing to do in a coronation.

"Now... Emperors... Crowns please. The beautiful empresses can keep theirs till Natsu and Gray get wives or queens. So basically forever!"

Igneel reluctantly passed over his crown. He couldn't wait for retirement. He could now show his wife, Caldo a side to him she hadn't seen in 17 years. (And I don't think she wanted to again but Igneel thought his Sexy Dragon side turned her on...)

Silver clung to that crown till Inverno slapped it out of his hand and threatened him that he would be sleeping in the couch for a year... Even though they did not have a couch. So I'm going to guess she meant someone else's couch. Ouch!

"From here on out till the day they die or do something stupid or these two stupid countries finally realise what a democracy is... Gray is Emperor of the Ice Nation." The Priest placed the Crown of Ice on Grays head even if it fell off a few times. "And Zuko is Emperor- sorry wrong anime- Natsu is Emperor of the Fire Nation!" The Crown of Fire was placed on his head.

The crowd roared and cheered as they finally got better leaders who didn't force kids to cross dress. Plus they were gay... Everyone's gay (I meant it as happy!)

"My babies. All grown up!" Ur cried into Giovanni sleeve as he stuffed cake down his throat.

"My babies! All grown up!" Rogue cried into a few tissues whilst Sting simply thought about his dream last night and how GREAT Neko-Maid-Rogue would be in bed.

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