Everything changed when...

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I tore through the corridor.
Replaying what I had heard. My mother screaming. I remember I had vaguely heard a crashing sound before I heard her scream. I feared for her safety. My mother. Even if she wasn't blood related to me, she was my mother. I still loved her and she was family.

I thought of the all the negative and gruesome scenes that might of happened. I blocked out my thoughts because I would of started crying in pain and misery.

I rushed through the long, narrow hallway, closing in on the throne room. I ran forward towards the door and I burst through the room. I forgot how to breath.

My mother was held by a tall scruffy man and he dug a knife into her throat and she struggled and pulled at his arm. My dad stood in battle gear; ready to turn into his demon form. He was currently about to fight a masked man. My real mother lay on the floor unconscious with blood dripping down her mouth and forehead. I saw Rogue beating up a couple of guys and when I say beating up I mean barely able to hold them off. It was a law that we couldn't use our powers on citizens.

"Stop!" I shouted. Everyone except Ur looked at me. (I wonder why she didn't look up-_-).
"Oh look it's the prince." The tall man holding my mother said. He smirked and dug the knife deeper in her neck. Blood trailed her neck and down to her chest.

"Who are you?" He was about to answer when I heard shouting and screaming from outside the palace. My eyes widened as I ran to the window. I saw people. Our citizens standing outside and rioting and trying to get in but they were prevented by our soldiers. They fought and screamed, using anything as a weapon. I turned back and stared at him. He shrugged his soldiers and smiled.
"Why?" I whispered. My kingdom. My nation. My empire. Was in ruins. It was shattered. Everything was on the verge of destruction. I felt like curling up in a ball and crying. I wanted to hide. I didn't want any of this to happen but how was I supposed to stop it? A tear streamed down my face and hit the ground. I quickly wiped it away and looked at my mother.
"How did this happen?" The man allowed my mother space to speak implying he wanted me to hear it.
"Gray. Who caused the mad king to revolt? Who caused the horrifying war to start 15 years ago? Who caused that civil war? Who is causing this now? Who told the citizens that you weren't the true heir? Who started all of this? Who made our nation turn into shambles?" She yelled. She was furious. But I never would of thought all of this was connected. It's impossible. I wanted to know because I had already started to loathe the person who caused this. I was going to make them pay. I was going to hurt them bad and achieve vengeance. For my country.

"Who forced us to sign the peace treaty? For if we hadn't we would of been attacked. Gray. This all started... Everything started when the Fire Nation had attacked.
( I had to do that XD )

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