Sassy Rogue

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My body was compressed, as I sat at the corner of the minuscule room. My eyes glazed over the room and I stared at the desolate room for the hundredth time. The bare walls were white washed and plain. The bleak floor was firm and hard, however it was cracked and had a large rip tearing right through as though the world had split there. The wallpaper hung to the wall tattered and frayed. My food that was untouched on a ash black tray had expired. Grotesque, gross, green mould grew at the bread. The porridge had hardened and could break a rock. A small cup filled with water was by my feet. I looked up and saw the thick opaque metal poles in front of me and behind them a impenetrable metal door. A small window was the only source of light. I could vaguely see the moon and it looked like a golf ball that was pitched into the air. There were no stars, as if this polluted world would let us have a glimpse of there beauty.

I had hurt Rogue and Sting. My OTP. I was pretty sure that Sting could of been dead and My brother was alive. However he could of been dead. Say he hit his head and died...

I had hurt my Natsu. I nearly fell for the guy.

I moved my leg and kicked the cup over and let the dirty water spread and envelope the bare floor. I deserved to dehydrate and die. Someone like me had no use in this world. I defied and broke my promise. I betrayed everyone and couldn't keep my emotions in check.

I sometimes sat and listened to the guards and I heard that Rogue would be forced to become Emperor right after my execution.
The good thing was that he was alive. The bad thing...
My thoughts were interrupted by. the guards.
"Come on now." The guards cuffed me and lead me out of my prison cell. Leading me to the gallows in Firenze.

****Rogue: flashback from a few days ago****

"Rogue! You must take the throne after your bastard brother dies." Silver bellowed through the halls of Il Primo Mavis.

It was a summit meeting in Firenze. To decide when Rogue would become Emperor. A bunch of men and women stood to the left and right of Silver and Inverno, then they seated themselves on the grand and long dinning table.

"Th... That's your so... Son." Rogue whimpered. "I don't wish to take the throne. It's Grays dream. Not mine, sir." Tears streamed his eyes and he collapsed to the ground."I cannot, it's Grays dream. Not mine."

Rogue hated the idea of ruling. All he ever wanted was to be at Grays side to fulfill his dream of making this nation a prosperous one. He still didn't know if Sting was okay since the Fire nation didn't want to reveal any secret information.
Secret? He just wanted to know if he was alive!

Natsu was probably devastated and hurt. His husband had probably killed someone like a brother to him. Rogue wondered if the poor guy was alright. He wished he could be there to comfort him.

"Come on now. Your going to be the next ruler. Don't sit around and cry in front of the whole summit." A bunch of old people were staring awkwardly at the crying teen.
"... Fuck off!" Rogue stood up and stalked off. He didn't need this.


This story was kind of a comedy. Yet they latest chapters are just sad. Grays execution next and I'll add some comedy.

Who likes sassy rogue. I'm sure dead/alive sting would. ^_^

Also next chapter I'll reveal the one winner. It's gonna be one now cuz I can't add that many OCs characters XD. Next week I'll update again.

You will all wait patiently as I right some crap!!!

And gracias for the 6K *^*

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