Chapter 3

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Harmony P.O.V

It's finally the end of the day!

Wow, I survived the first day of high school. Even though I had that Lucas guy's lunch all over me, the day wasn't half bad. Jourdan let me borrow a shirt from her. I really don't know why she had it in her book bag, but I can't complain. She was there for me.

Anyway, I was walking outside and sat down on a bench. My mom should be here in a little while. Everyone was literally going wild. People were jumping everywhere, yelling, just being crazy. I was starting to get bored, so I pulled out my phone and opened up Instagram.

Two more people followed me. I clicked on the first person and it was the boy who was with Lucas at lunch. His name is Dillyn, I think. And the second person was no other than Lucas. Since I'm a nice person and all, I followed them back.

"Wassup!" Candace said, sitting down next to me.

"Today went by so fast, man." I said.

She pulled out a bag of Sour Patch Kids, and shared with me. "I know. But it was a g-"

All of a sudden she stopped talking. She's staring at something or someone.

"Harmony, you see that sexy nigga over there?" she said.


"You know, the one who sits right beside you in homeroom? He's over there!"

Shit. Not this Lucas boy again.

"Yeah, I see him. So?" I said, getting annoyed.

"I like him!"

I gave her the "bish whet" face. "It's the first day of school, Candace!"

"I know. That means I still have time to get to know him."

My mom finally pulled up. "I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow."


••• 6:54pm

After I was done with my homework, I got my MacBook and sat on the bed. I decided to FaceTime Jourdan. Clicking on her name, it didn't take long for her to answer.

"Wassup Jay!" I said excitedly.

"Hey boo! Say hey to Harmony, Sparkles!"

Sparkles is her little dog. Sparkles barked and then ran out of Jourdan's arms.

"So what's going on?" she asked.

"Bruh, that Lucas kid just won't get out of my head man! I hear his name every five seconds. And he followed me on Instagram. Like, how did he find out my Insta?"

She laughed. "I gave it to him, Harmony!"


"Because him and that cute Dillyn boy asked for ours. What was I supposed to say? I mean, they're both really cute!"

"You have a point, Jay."

I'm not gonna lie, he's cute. My rate for him is a 9!

"But I kind of like Dillyn. And Chanel just so happen to like him, too! Don't tell her I like him." Jourdan had that little serious look on her face.

"Your secret's safe with me. And I'm not gonna lie, even though Lucas spilled his lunch on me, he's still sexy!"

"And Candace just so happen to like him, too! She texted me today talking about him and shit."

"I know. She told me today."

"Have you realized something, Harmony?"


"That we're closer to each other than we are to Chanel and Candace. I mean, I have a strong feeling that they're gonna leave us."

"By leave us you mean..."

"By leave us, I mean not talk to us because they think they're better than us."

"Don't say that."

"Look, I gotta go. Dinner is ready. But when the time comes, don't say I didn't tell you so!"

"Whatever! Bye."


We then hung up. I turned my computer off and went on my phone. Me being me, I went on Lucas's Instagram because I'm curious! Sue me. Anyway, his pictures were eye catching. His dimple was very attractive and deep.

I liked his picture that he posted 2 minutes ago. Then I saw Candace comment all on his picture. Thirsty much? She must've seen who I recently followed and found out about his Insta. But he had lots of thotties commenting and shit.

But never even entertained them. That surprised me. You know how boys are. They reply to all the comments telling them they're sexy too and shit. But he never seemed to entertain them. I know Dillyn did! I saw what he was saying to them hoes!

My notifications started to blow up all of a sudden. Surprise, surprise! Lucas is taking his precious little time to like all of my pictures. I don't mind it at all, actually!

Then he decided he wanted to comment. He'd comment stuff like 'bae' and 'cutie' with the heart eyed emoji.

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