Chapter 5

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Harmony P.O.V

"Tell me!" Candace said, begging me on the phone.

Ever since earlier today after practice, she's been bugging me about talking to Lucas. I can't forget she likes him because she talks about him every fucking day!

"Tell you what? I don't understand what you want me to tell you." I'm starting to get really fucking irritated.

"Did he ever mention me when y'all was talking?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, you have lunch with him, right?"

I sighed. "Yeah."

"Tell him I like him! And I think he's feeling me, too. I can just see us together!"

She went on and on about him the whole entire time. Yeah, she likes him. But to be honest, I'm staring to actually like him, too.

Did I just say that...

I did. But hey, I'm watching my back this time. Fuck boys are everywhere now, so you already know what I have to do: protect myself.

***The Next Day at Lunch

"I know y'all missed me....." a familiar voice said.

Me and Jourdan turned around just to see our best gay friend, Destin.

"Destin!" we both said in unison. We all had a little tight group hug then we sat down at the lunch table.

"I didn't even know you even went to this school!" Jourdan said.

"That's why I really don't see you guys at all anymore. My schedule was fucked up, honestly. So I took it upon myself and changed all my classes!" he said excitedly.

Destin always did his own thing. That's why I love him! He's always been independent. And he's the type of person to not give a fuck about what anyone says about him or his sexuality.

"Aww, you changed your classes for us?" I touched my heart.

"How'd you find out our classes, Destin?" Jourdan asked.

"Long story short, I peeped in the guidance counselor's computer a little. I clicked on one of y'alls names and then the other and realized you both had the same classes and lunch. So here I am!" he smiled really hard.

God knows how much I missed my gay friend.

"Why'd you delete everything and change your number? It's like you just disappeared. We lost touch over the summer."

He held his head down. "After I came out to everybody else, I got bullied. I know, you're surprised because I'm that person who doesn't give a fuck about what people say about me. But I was on the verge of suicide. And then I realized something. Who gives a fuck about what these people think of me. So I decided to come out of my shell, make my new social accounts, get a new phone AND number, and just slay these hoes!" he then pulled out his phone to give us all the names of his accounts.

"It feels good to talk to you again, man. Sometimes Chanel and Candace grow annoying." Jourdan said.

"Speaking of the bitches! I've never liked them." Destin said, rolling his eyes.

Me and Jourdan laughed. "Why?" I asked.

"Over the summer, they decided they wanted to follow everybody else. And by that, I mean bully me because everyone will like them if they do."

I rubbed his arm. "I didn't know they did that to you. I'm sorry."

"Me too." Jourdan gave him a quick hug.

"I'm going to buy you some ice cream, on me." I insisted.

"You remember how I like it, Harmony."

"Yeah, you like strawberry! How could I forget?" I smiled and made my way to the lunch line.

As I made my way to the line, I felt a bump. I sort of fell back a little, but I didn't completely fall on my ass. I looked up just to see Lucas.

"Is this your way of getting my attention?" I joked.

"No. I was thinking the same thing about you."

We shared a laugh. "Hey Harmony." Dillyn came up to us. He then gave Lucas dap.

"Hey Dillyn."

"Where's Jourdan?" he asked.

"Oh, our table is over there." I pointed to the table where her and Destin was.

"Who is that boy?" he got kind of mad.

"What's wrong, you jealous?" Lucas joked. I giggled.

Dillyn hit him. "No! I just wanna know who he is!"

"He's our best friend, Destin. Don't worry about him stealing her away from you. He's gay!"

He had a relieved expression on his face. "He better be!" he then walked away from us.

"So what you 'bout to do?" Lucas said, turning his attention to me.

"I'm about to buy some ice cream."

"Don't worry about it. I'll buy it for you."

For some apparent reason, my cheeks started to feel really warm. "You don't have to."

"But I want to. So, what type of ice cream do you want?"

I sighed. "Strawberry, please."

"Okay." he winked at me.

In the inside, I felt a tingling feeling. What the fuck is Lucas doing to me? A month ago, I didn't even give any boys the time of day. Now I'm actually talking to a really cute, funny, and sweet guy. And his hair just makes him look even better! But then again, he might be a fuck boy.

But I don't plan on telling him I like him anytime soon. Besides, Candace is crazy over him.

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