Chapter 6

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Candace P.O.V

Me and Chanel just walked out of the guidance counselor's office. We got our schedules changed! I switched all my classes to Lucas' classes and Chanel switched hers to Dillyn's classes. They even have the same lunch, so we even switched our lunch periods.

"I'm so happy we did this!" Chanel said.

"I know. We get to see our future baes everyday."

"When we step into the cafeteria, their eyes will be on us. Believe that." she adjusted her high waisted shorts and her crop top.

I did the same thing and then put on some red lip stick. We made our way into the cafeteria. I thought we would see them, but we didn't. We both looked everywhere for them. Maybe they haven't left class yet?

"Let's just buy our lunch first. Maybe by the time we start eating our food, they'll come in." Chanel insisted.

"Yeah. I'm hungry anyway."

I bought a chicken sandwich and a soda. Paying for the lunch, I waited for the lady to give me my change. Then I went with Chanel.

"Let's sit ov-" Chanel all of a sudden stopped talking.

"There they are, with them!!" she finally said.

I turned around just to see Lucas and Dillyn all cozy with Harmony and Jourdan. Then I see DESTIN with them, too. What the hell?

Harmony had on a vintage Tommy Hilfiger outfit. Lucas really seemed to like it because he keeps touching it. And he keeps putting his arm around her. Then I see Jourdan with a different vintage Tommy Hilfiger outfit. Dillyn's doing the same thing Lucas is doing to Harmony.

"Are they going out or something?" Chanel asked, sadly.

"I don't know. But let's go find out."

We walked over to them. I tapped Lucas' shoulder, waiting for him to turn around. He did and his happy expression sadly faded. What?

"Hey Lucas!" I said excitedly.

"Hey....." he then went back to talking to Harmony. He just left me hanging.

"Hi Destin." Chanel greeted.

"Good afternoon, bitches."

Dillyn and Lucas laughed in our faces. Harmony and Jourdan just shook it off and went on talking to their new boyfriends.

"It's nice to not have your friends speak to you." Chanel said to Jourdan.

"Oh, well hey y'all." Harmony's fake ass said. So now she wants to be my friend!!

"Anyway, I'm going to buy you your lunch." Lucas said to Harmony.

"Yeah. So y'all can sit down. And I'm going to buy you that strawberry ice cream, Destin." Dillyn said.

"But you gone have to pay for the rest." Lucas said, laughing.

"Okay. At least I got free ice cream!" Destin said excitedly.

They're all talking to each other while me and Chanel are just standing here like outsiders. What's going on? Why aren't they noticing us?

"So you ladies sit down and we'll be right back." Lucas then KISSED HER ON THE MOTHER FUCKING CHEEK.

My blood is really boiling right now. I can't even think straight. I want to fucking punch Harmony's flat, fake ass in the damn face. I even want to punch Jourdan in the face for Chanel, too. Lucas and Dillyn seriously wants to buy them food and ice cream?

Did I miss something?

We sat down and all I can think about is burning these two bitches alive. "Why didn't you tell us you guys were going out?" I said to Harmony.

"What? What are you talking about?" she had a confused look on her face.

This bitch really think I'm stupid.

"Don't act like you don't know! Y'all all up on each other and shit. And you know damn well I like him!"

"And what about you, Jourdan? You doing the same shit." Chanel said to Jourdan.

"Look, whatever petty drama this is needs to stop. There's nothing going on with us nor Lucas and Harmony." Jourdan's lying ass said.

"Why y'all bitches so jealous? This is why I never liked y'all." Destin just had to put his unnecessary two cents in.

"Who asked your faggot ass?" I spatted.

"Don't talk to him like that." I heard Lucas say.

"Um, this has nothing to do with you." I said to him calmly.

"Shut the fuck up! I can't stand y'all! Why the fuck y'all gotta treat him like that?" Dillyn look at the both of us in disgust.

"And why can't it get through y'alls head that they don't like y'all!" Destin said.

Can you believe this nigga? Soon, the whole cafeteria got quiet.

"Look, I don't like you in that way. I kind of have feelings for Harmony....."

My face dropped. And I could tell that he didn't mean for it to slip but he meant it. I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

"And I got something to say, too. I like Jourdan. Yeah, I said it. I like Jourdan, and I've been holding for way too long. Just like how Lucas was holding it in for too long." What Dillyn just said made Chanel's tears flow slowly.

She then ran out the cafeteria.

I followed.

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