chapter III : sheriff's

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instead of attending the rest of the day at school, we left. we arrived at stile's house and just walked in. no knocking, door bell ringing, nothing. Scott just stepped right in, with one hand cupped around my bicep.
he yelled once.
he yelled twice.
"what! what do you want Scott?"
stiles awkwardly ran down the stairs to Scott, who was still clamped onto me.
"whose this?"
stiles said in a concerned tone.
Lydia chimed in. she seems so distant, isolated. her presence is there but not; like a ghost's.
"well what is sera doing in my living room?"
he now seemed aggravated.
Scott released me and whispered to stiles.
was his only reply. what is so odd about me? how am i one of them? faint cold thrills ran through my veins sending shivers down my spine.
"Scott I have a solution, show her you know, and I'll hold her so she doesn't run."
"what a fantastic idea! why don't we have Lydia scream in her ear while we're at it, oh and how about we invite sera's parents to come and watch? sound good stiles?"
"no need for the sarcasm."
"actually—" Lydia cut in, "that's a good idea, just show her quickly then explain."
I was now terrified wanting to leave so badly, but it was too late. before me I seen a boy now somewhat covered in hair, black claws protruding from his fingers and piercing red eyes glaring into mine. a shriek escaped my throat and I turned to run by Lydia blocked me.
"chill out."
she said softly.
"you're one of us."
Scott said in a awkward tone.
"I'm a dog-human?"
"no, you're a banshee like Lydia. you're just a supernatural, like me."
I was very confused but tried very hard to not show it.
"what's a banshee?"
I said breaking the silence.
"they're bringers."
Lydia said softly, suspense creeping into her tone.
"bringers? bringers of what?"
she said it ever so coldly.
"bringers of death?"
now I was terrified; when Scott cut in,
"that's not all you are."
"what else am I?"
"I don't know—but the reason I say it is because you don't have a scent. every supernatural has a scent, except you."
I looked at stiles as he pondered the situation occurring before him.
stiles finally questioned.
Scott rolled his eyes and said,
"they have scents to stiles."
Lydia chimed in again, voice soft like clouds.
"hybrid. there is one hybrid in the supernatural world and is a combination of a banshee... and a jaguar."
Scott was now scared, terror coated his eyes like blankets. he approached me like I was an animal.
"do this."
he flipped his wrist backward, and claws shot out of his fingertips. I attempted the same and nothing happened.
"get mad, flip back."
he was now trying to get me angered by pushing me and throwing things at me, finally I flipped my wrist back to see jet black claws climbing out of my fingers.
Scott whisperer.
Lydia looked horrified as did stiles.
"a hybrid—the hybrid."
we're Lydia's only words.
"am I rare or something?"
I was very curious.
"yeah, you are. extremely."
stiles was a bit shaky now, what was wrong with being a jaguar?
"Jaguars are the fiercest creatures in our world. they're pure brutality."
Lydia whispered.
Scott shook,
"my last encounter with a jaguar, I was being tied down to a table. a skull being cemented to my face."
he stared blankly off into the other direction.
"you're dangerous."

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