chapter XIX the sword

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everyone returned back to sleep. the next day Kira was up first in a daze wandering around in books and things.
seraph woke up second.
"what are you doing?"
Kira turned around startled.
she said.
"the sun. you're a killer."
seraph said accusingly.
"me? a killer?"
she was truly surprised.
"you don't know what you are do you?"
seraph stepped closer.
"what are you talking about?"
Kira looked panicked and stepped back as seraph advanced.

seraph stopped and her eyes were lost in space.
her head pounded, she heard screaming.
"the deadpool."
Lydia's scream ripped through the house like a tornado, demolishing he hearing of everyone in the house.
everyone woke and hopped into stiles jeep.
seraph looked at him with sympathy.
"are you—okay?"
Liam growled at her.
"she was going to kill you!"
seraph's voice raised slightly.
"how would you know? how do we know you're not the murderer?"
seraph looked at him hurt when Scott chimed in.
"stop it! Liam, understand seraph is protecting us—not hurting us."
a single tear fell off of Liam's face, and seraph caught it with her palm.
"I wouldn't hurt any of you."
she whispered almost under her breath.

Kate was with Peter that same moment.
"look at this!"
Kate cried furiously.
"they murdered serafina."
she remembered Allison and her death tears streamed down Kate's face, she caressed the wolfsbane infected wounds on serafina.
Peter leaned over her shoulder watching. Kate lifted her dead eyelids upward and exposed the black and yellow eyes that were once full of color. Peter dropped a cold palm on Kate's shoulder and whispered rather intently,
"you asked for it Kate. you sacrificed her."
"no I did not!"
Kate was infuriated and she bounced up from the body.
"I sent her to kill Scott McCall. and she failed. that's what I did not sacrifice her."
"well Kate, believe what you'd like. because I'm looking at a sacrifice, not a hunter."
Peter left Kate alone with her emotions to rip her to shreds.
"oh I'll get you seraph. seraph keens."
she spat her name out like poison.
"I'll take your power."
Kate began talking to herself and mixing concoctions together like a which making a potion.
"I'll take everything you have."

seraph was sitting quietly next to Liam in the back seat of the jeep when she pulled out an apple. a very different looking Apple that was yellow in color.
"an apple?"
Liam said quizzically.
"wolfsbane Apple."
she corrected him with a smile.
she held it up to her lips and was about to bite when Liam knocked it away from her.
"don't eat it then!"
"it's safe for me."
she laughed and grabbed it to bite into once more. he watched her almost disgusted.
her eyes lit up when she ate it.
she was refueling her energy.

by the time they had reached the school, the murderer was gone and a supernatural body lay undisturbed at the steps of beacon hills highschool. there was no identifying the blood battered body. so the pack called the police and left the body there.

by the dead of night seraph was still not asleep. she wandered about until she finally decided to go for a stroll outside. she found herself miles and miles away from the pack when she stumbled upon Kate. seraph immediately turned into the serpent that once threatened Kate, but she only smiled.
"no need for that."
Kate giggled.
this angered seraph greatly.
Kate reached behind her and pulled out a wolfsbane apple that resembled the one she had eaten earlier.
"where did you get that?"
seraph's accent was weaker than usual.
"I did some research, turns out your mom left you many apples."
seraph said disturbed.
"well I found one, so I thought I'd just give it too you."
she tossed the apple to seraph, it gleamed under the moon.
"thank you."
seraph said lightly.
"how did your mom die?"
Kate struck her with the question out of no where.
"my mom died while giving birth to me."
her words died off as if Kate had killed them.
"and your dad?"
Kate stepped closer.
"he died helping a coyote. helping a coyote find her mom."
Kate turned away from the serpent girl.
"well I better be on my way."
she snickered quietly.

seraph walked back into stiles's house and began to eat the apple, after all she had been hungry. after she had finished it she looked off and a small cry tried to escape her throat.
the apple hit the ground hard enough for everyone to abruptly awaken. she soon followed the apple.

Scott leaned over her still living body.
"idunno what's happened."
Scott said quietly to the others.
Liam found the apple near her body, and suddenly seraph's eyes snapped open.
she said softly.
"Kate gave me that apple and I don't know what it did but it did something."
"let's go find Kate."
Lydia said rather quietly,
"get malia, we're gonna need her."
the jeep now had 9 people in it, a little too many. and off they went to the once beautiful mansion, Kate's hideout.

they looked through the house looking for Kate when they heard a shot gun pump and Kira cut her bullet in two.
seraph tried to turn into the serpent, but she could not.
her skin was pale, her eyes were light yet sunken.
she looked like she was dying.
she was weak.
"well hello."
Kate turned the corner shot gun in hand.
"why Kate."
Scott looked at her with a sympathy, like he felt bad that she was psychotic.
"come kitsune."
Kate's eyes ignited green like serafina' once did.
Kira walked toward her and stood to her left.

out in the jeep were Liam, stiles, and Lydia. they stayed silent, waiting. Derek snuck out the front door and sat with them, worried and confused.
"what's happening?"
Lydia said.
"I don't know. Kira is on Kate's side now I guess."
his eyes were glued to the doors he had just come from. the four sat in dead silence.

Kira stood tall next to Kate her sword held at her forehead.
Malia said her voice echoing.
she yelled again, Kira did not respond.
"you won't hurt Kira."
Kate said staring at Scott.
Malia began,
"but I will."
Kate shot her three times in the stomach, Malia hit the ground. Parrish couldn't take watching malia writhe in pain so he carried her out to the jeep. he returned to the inside, never did he say a word.
Kate said suddenly.
"you ought to stay out of this."
Parrish walked backward tumbling out the door.
seraph and Scott shared a scared look.
kate said,
"get the serpent."
Kira walked forward ready to attack seraph. seraph tried to scream but it was no good she had to fight.
fists versus a sword, she knew the outcome would be grim.
she swiped the sword with her arm and a large cut began to bleed through her white sleeve.
she said to herself.
Scott watched pained at what was happening.
he couldn't hurt Kira.
seraph choked.
Kira slammed her to the ground and held the sword above her head.
"all good must die."
she said loudly in voice that seemed to not belong to her.
"you're a coward Kate."
seraph's words were choked.
"you're—a coward. you choose evil because it's easier. because being a good guy takes courage. which you have none. you choose evil because you want to take the easy way out. you're a coward Kate."
"no. no no. the evil will always beat the good."
Kate snickered like she had done just the night before.
seraph cried slightly.
"kill her."
Kate said loudly.
Kira's sword cut the air and plunged into seraph's throat. blood coated the ground like a blanket around seraph's head, her white shirt stained with her blood. Scott watched terrified. he couldn't cry, or scream, or do anything. Kira lifted her sword from seraph's throat and walked to Kate's side once more.
"the good scott, they always die."
Kate pointed a finger to Scott and Kira went forward.

Parrish busted through the doors a fire engulfing him.
"no Kate",
Scott began first softly, then aggressively,
"we don't always die. and when we do, we
will be avenged."
Parrish tore through Kira's skin like it were paper and quickly killed her. he faced Kate and howled.  Kate was mortified and began to back up.
"no. no no."
Parrish mimicked her early words and he grabbed Kira's sword and shoved as far as he could into her chest. so she could feel the pain she caused seraph.

Lydia bowed her head in the jeep.
"she's dead."
she whispered.
"she's dead."
stiles was worried putting his arms around her.
"All of them."
she began,
"Kira. Kate. seraph. all dead."

Scott and Parrish walked out. Parrish holding Kira's sword, and Scott holding the dead body of seraph keens.

the serpent.

they realized the good do die, and there is no cure to death. it's a disease you can never get rid of.
it poisons you.
like wolfsbane.

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