Chapter VIII entrances

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my claws were inserting into a hunter's skin.
he gasped.
the dead pools were happening. I was worth nine million dollars. nine million.
I killed him off and ran back home to Kate.

I cried.
"yes sweetie?"
Kate had a general concern for me, you could tell she cared.
"they're trying to kill me."
I cried even hard, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"the dead pool."
Kate whispered, her skin growing pale.
"you can't leave here."
she held me close to her.
she finally released her grip and I went to sleep. the door opened and whispers erupted.
"we are so close to killing him."
peters voice was prominent, I could hear him well.
"it's so difficult! and was it really necessary to create a dead pool?"
"I told you Kate, I didn't create it—it's my money but not my doing."
"this is ridiculous! serfina could have been murdered! she's worth 9 million dollars! do you know how much that really is?"
"I'm sorry I can't control what's going on!"
angry voices reflected the walls of this house.
Peter began throwing things, I could hear the frustrated noises he was making. Kate re-entered the room with a single sheet of paper. she hesitantly handed it to peter. his eyes lit up in rage.
his eyes were blue.

"I'm on this damned list too!"
he yelled, growls escaping with the yells.
"as am I."
"Everyone is! every supernatural in beacon hills. every. last. one."
Peter quickly left, Kate echoing in his footsteps.

I returned to consciousness, everyone still in the room. Lydia's soft whispers bounced from all corners of the room. I couldn't make out any of the words. why was the deadpool memories comig back? for not only me, but for Lydia too.
"there's another."
she said, her voice like satin sheets coating over the walls.
"they want you dead."
her cold blue eyes pierced my blue and green ones.

malia asked curiously, she bent down to Lydia's side.
Lydia gasped.
malia turned to me curiously.
"do you know what she's talking about?"
Malia glared at me, hatred dripping from her voice.
I was confused and afraid.
malia's eyes burned blue.
like peters.
she had peters eyes.

I said.
cautiously I back peddled away from Malia.
she questioned.
Scott echoed her quietly.
"you have peter's eyes."
I was terrified, expecting a chair to come flying at me.
"it's a memory."
Kira said, she stepped forward and grabbed malia's arm and pulled her back.
"she thinks you're Peter."
Kira said calmly.
"put those things away."
Malia's eyes returned to their greyish color, and she tilted her head at me.
"how did she see Peter?"
she spit his name out with a certain disgust.
"I don't know",
Kira began,
"why don't you ask her?"
"what was your memory?"
Scott chimed in again.
I began my recollection,
"Peter and Kate, and the deadpool, and he started throwing things—"
"the deadpool."
Scott said, turning to Lydia.
"they both seen the deadpool."
"there's another one."
Kira interrupted.
"there's another."

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