Chapter XVIII eraser

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"her mind was cleared before she came here. she really did forget what she was, but as time progressed she remembered. she remembered she came here to kill us. when you all came to get me, she had her full memory."
seraph said, towering over serafina's body.
"how do you know that?"
Scott said.
"I know a lot. I can feel it. just like a death. just a lot more."
"oh my god."
Derek stood up finally.
"she's dead."
"yeah", seraph piped up, "she's better off that way."
"now what?"
Scott said silently, almost under his breath.
"we wait."
seraph turned slowly to face him.
"we wait for the sun."
"but it's coming up now."
Scott said calmly.
"no", she started "not that sun."

everyone went back down to stiles jeep, Parrish lay unconscious on top of it.
"about time you came back down!"
stiles yelped, Lydia's body strewn across him.
"what happened?"
seraph slowly walked toward Lydia's body.
she looked dead.
but she was not dead.
not externally.
seraph got down to her level and whispered softly.
Lydia blinked, then fluttered her eyelashes.
she sat up, looked at stiles, then placed her head back into his lap.
"what happened down here?"
Scott was concerned.
"well" stiles said as he reached for his bloody ear, "she nearly killed me, but luckily she killed my jeep instead. or it's Windows..."
Parrish stood up in the hood if the blue vehicle and looked down, then following his stare he jumped down.
"I'm confused."
he said louder than he intended.
"we thought serafina was a good guy, er girl, and she wasn't. how do we know if seraph is really good?"
Lydia spoke softly, her voice like clouds.
"I know she's good."
seraph and Lydia shared a look and then both of their stares fell to where Parrish's once was.
Lydia slowly rose from stiles and creeped toward the pendent on the ground.
"her necklace."
Scott walked forward,
"Alison's necklace."
the banshee and the wolf shared a look of hurt.

"she's here."
seraph's accented voice rose barely above the sound of blood rushing in their ears.  the sound of a shotgun echoed.
seraph said barely audible.
everyone jumped into the jeep at once and stiles hit the gas.
the sound of rounds being shot ripped through the silent night. seraph was in the very back of the jeep, not even in a seat when a bullet hit her arm.
she yelped.
she ripped the bullet out of her arm and inhaled softly.
"thanks for the reload!"
she yelled.
stiles tire was shot. then another. the jeep halted to a stop. seraph's eyes glowed dimly.
"stay here, get down."
she said her accent strong.
she got out of the jeep and approached the Orgin if the bullets.

"come on Kate."
seraph yelled.
"come on!"
Kate emerged from the shadows and pointed her shotgun at seraph's head.
"better rethink that Kate. I wouldn't want you waste your bullets."
Kate shot at her stomach, seraph grunted in pain. she inhaled sharply and a smile creeped across her face.
"why thank you."
she opened her mouth wide the wolfsbane dripping slowly down her chin.
"the never dying serpent."
Kate said slightly distraught.
"wolfsbane makes me stronger Kate, so go ahead fuel me."
seraph stepped closer Kate stepped back.
seraph hissed and growled.
Kate stumbled and fell backward.
"one scratch. one bite. one drop. I'll kill you."
Kate stared horrified into the serpent's eyes, and she got up and ran.

"now what!"
stiles got out and kicked his newly popped tires.
"call a tow truck."
Scott said.
"look at us. you think a tow truck driver would want to sit with a bunch of bloody 'psychopaths'?"
Scott pulled out his phone and dialed the tow truck company.
soon they were back at stiles house.
everyone asleep.
Scott was awakened when he heard a tapping at the door. he opened it to a girl he once recognized.
a girl he once loved.
"hi Scott."
Kira's eyes lit up excitedly.
he choked and pulled her in tightly.
by now everyone was awake and staring and the once dead kitsune.
"the sun."
seraph choked.
she pulled Lydia aside and asked her if Scott was in love with her,and Lydia explained everything and seraph was torn.
"no—Lydia. he can't love her—she's the sun; the evil. she's going to kill him."
Lydia's eyes grew wider than usual.
"she's going to kill him."
she whispered softly, her gaze transfixed on the reunited couple.

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