chapter XIV the hidden

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"what do you mean?"
Malia said, her voice dropping.
seraph said staring deeply into Malia's eyes.
"a kitsune can't die."
Scott was so worried.
"did you not know? a kitsune can't die. I don't know what's happened—but she can't be dead——Lydia. what do you hear?"
Lydia's face was pale.
"what do you hear Lydia?"
seraph said again.
"the sun—the moon—the truth."
Lydia said silently.
"the good. the bad. and the evil."
seraph said after her.
"I'm so confused."
Malia said.
Scott could only stare in awe.
"Liam, serafina, and Malia go home."
Scott said.
"seraph stays here."

after the others left Scott had seraph tied to a chair.
"so why am I tying you up here?"
Scott said, as the deputy and stiles watched, Lydia stood close to scott.
"you're going to enter my 'scape.'"
stiles said licking his lips.
"yes. you have to enter my mind. in
order to see what Lydia was talking about."
"why can't you just tell us?"
deputy parrish questioned.
"because I can't remember."
they all shared a look.
Scott's claws came out.
he put them into her neck.

there was snow everywhere.
covering the ground like a blanket of serenity.
seraph was on her knees in the snow.
"oh banshee."
a loud voice whispered.
"what are you looking for?"
it said again; this time, closer.
"shut up!"
seraph screamed.
"I'm looking for the symbol. it's going to tell me what happens to them. who they are."
"you're not looking in the right place."
the voice got softer.
"follow the footsteps."
the voice said again.
seraph stood up.
the snow almost consuming her black combat boots.
"go on."
it said.
there was a set of footsteps. the same size as seraph's in the snow.
she followed them to what looked like a a chamber.
seraph yanked at the lock.
"it's frozen."
she cried.
"it's frozen."
her tears turned to ice as they fell.
"use your strength."
the voice boomed.
seraph stood up, and she pulled at the lock with the power of a serpent.
her silver eyes illuminated.
her fangs came out.
her claws snapped open the lock.
inside the chamber there were drawings.
the sign of a serpent.
a jaguar.
a kitsune.
the voice was behind her now.
a woman with short curly black hair and medium colored eyes stood behind seraph, in all black.
Scott whispered.
"the good. the bad. and the evil; one is the sun, one is the moon and one is the truth. you seraph—you're the good. you're the truth. serafina hale the hybrid, she is the bad, she is the moon. Kira, the kitsune is the evil, she is the sun."
"the sun. the moon. the truth."
seraph whispered.
"you are rivals. two of you will die. one will live. it may not be you who lives. but we want it to be. you are the good. you will save your friends. the others will kill them."
seraph's eyes got wide.
"but if serafina is the only hybrid—then what am I?"
"you are a hybrid; but, you were considered dead. so serafina is the hybrid of the supernatural world. you need to kill her. kill serafina—and keep Kira dead."

Scott released his claws from her neck.
"kill them.."
his voice trailed off.
"they want to kill you."
he said.
"stiles, Parrish. keep her here. keep her safe. do not let anyone. anyone near her. Lydia, tell them what you seen."

Scott left.
he left to call the one who taught him the words.
he went to call Derek.

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