chapter XVII the hellhound

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Parrish grabbed serafina, and he ignited.
Scott screamed.
he said silently.
serafina's body turned into the snow leopard. her body lit up white.
"you can't kill me."
she growled.
she wasn't burning.
seraph could barely see, everything was a blur.
she had a burn starting from her shoulder all the way down to her hip.
her blood was black.
Derek got down to her level and touched the blood.
seraph gasped.
"black means bad."
Derek looked at Scott like he was a child.
"yes Derek, I know."
"I'm not bad."
seraph coughed up blood.
"my blood is—my father. he was a bad person. he was evil. but me, I'm not him. I'm good."
"she's telling the truth."
Derek said,
"her heartbeat is steady."
Parrish still had his hands around serafina's throat and Liam was unconscious on his bed.
Parrish turned back to the deputy they had walked in with.
serafina was on the ground, on her hands and knees breathing. hard.

Lydia's heart dropped. she felt it.
"stiles—someone is going to die."
"oh please do not scream."
stiles was hoping for the best when bullets hit his skull. but they weren't bullets—it was Lydia's scream.

serafina eventually rose from her hands and knees and went toward seraph, who was badly injured on the ground. serafina shoved Parrish out the window and he landed on top of stiles's jeep. serafina went straight for seraph and pushed her claws into her throat.
"a serpent huh? you're worth a lot of money seraph."
seraph stood up and ripped serafina's claws out of her throat and she bit her. wolvesbane filled serafina's body. and those eyes that were once pale blue and green were black.

"you are the moon.
you are the bad.
the liar."
seraph's accent was stronger than usual.
serafina fell back and hit the ground with a thud. Liam woke up dazed and confused.
he choked.
he went to attack seraph when she opened her mouth. wolvesbane dripping from her fangs.
"I wouldn't try Liam."
Scott said from behind her.
Derek was still hurt on the ground.
he said,
"serafina was here to kill you. to kill all of us. she's a hunter."
"like Kate."
Scott stammered.

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