chapter XV Confusion

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Scott was so happy to see Derek who had been gone for so long, he embraced him.
"hello Scott."
he was appalled by Scott's sudden embrace.
Scott said.
"it's okay."
Derek smiled, very unusual for him.
"so we have a problem."
Scott continued,
"a few actually."
"first off, your sister is still alive—"
Derek cut him off sharply.
"which sister..?"
Derek said again, he clearly heard Scott he was just confused.
"I never had a sister named serafina."
Scott's heart dropped.
"you what? who—who is she?"
"I don't know but something tells me we better go—now."
Derek and Scott took off at an inhuman pace. they had to find serafina and fast.

the deputy, stiles, and Lydia stared at seraph.
Lydia gasped.
"something isn't right."
"take my hand."
seraph said softly.
Lydia reluctantly reached forward.
she felt sudden cold thrills run through her.
seraph's eyes lit up silver.
"focus." seraph said.
"she's a killer."
Lydia said, a single tear dripping down her cheek.
"serafina is a professional killer. she's only here to kill us for the deadpool."
Lydia turned to face the deputy and stiles.
"she's here to kill us."
stiles looked at Lydia, concern flooding his brown eyes.
"so whose our real enemy..? her? or Kate? or the deadpool in general" Parrish said.
"I don't know."
Lydia said.
"but I know that we have a lot to worry about. and I don't know where to start."
"I do."
stiles said.
"I know where to start."

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