chapter XII seraph

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the rest of the ride was silent.
finally they reached a cave.
it was massive, grey with Eygptian looking hieroglyphs on it. it was an arrow with two S's on each side.
"time to do what we came here for"
Scott said.
everyone approached the cave at once.
"me first."
deaton said firmly.
deaton hesitantly walked toward the cave.
after walking ten minutes into the cave, there was finally a large box that glowed blue. Scott walked up to it stuck his claws in the lock. it opened.
he turned to face his pack.
then he turned back to the box.
it opened, and inside laid the body of seraph.
an unconscious seraph.
"remember what we have to do?"
deaton said.
Scott injected his claws at the back of seraphs neck and in her chest.
a loud gasp and hiss came from the box.
"Scott McCall."
seraphs s's dragged out and her voice was heavily accented.
she sat up and her bright silvery blue eyes were in slits like a snakes.
her lips were silver, and her claws were black. her long black hair was in two French braid pigtails. she was beautiful. but clearly dangerous.
"you've come for me."
she said prominently.
"well—hello stiles."
she held onto that s longer than any other and she ran her claws down stiles's cheek.
"no no nope."
stiles lightly pushed her arm down.
"still afraid of snakes?"
she hissed.
"yes yes I am. please seraph stop."
her head tilted sideways and her snake like features disappeared, and so did her accent.
she said awkwardly, as Malia did earlier.
"why did you come here?"
she said.
it's dangerous.
Scott said.
"we need you."
"okay" she said, "let's go."
she crammed in the jeep in between stiles and Scott.
"has anything changed since we were 11?"
she laughed.
Kira said confused.
Lydia then chimed in.
"she's a childhood friend."
Malia said.
"why does she smell like seaweed?"
"she's a serpent."
Lydia said.
Kira and Malia said simultaneously.
"stop the jeep."
seraph said the accent back.
she climbed over stiles and jumped out the moon illuminating her silver features. black scales coated her body.
she growled like a werewolf.
yellow venom dropped from the corners of her mouth.
"come on!"
she growled.
three hunters appeared from
behind the mostly barren trees.
they shot her continuously with bullets.
she pulled them out like they were merely splinters.
"immune to wolvesbane."
she laughed viciously.
she quickly swiped them with her claws and sunk her dripping yellow fangs in their flesh.
but only two.
the other ripped Kira out of the jeep and stabbed her with his wolvesbane infected weapons.
Lydia's horrendous shriek echoed through all of Mexico serafina's was short to follow.
Scott yelled and he jumped out and ripped the murderer to pieces.
tears left the desert an ocean. and the ride home was kinder.

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