chapter XI to mexico

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"no Scott."
stiles was aggravated.
"we have too!"
Scott yelled.
"what's going on?"
deaton and the others came out from the kitchen.
"we have to get seraph."
Scott said. deaton's expression turned ghostly.
"well. start the jeep."

stiles and Scott had the front two seats. Malia, Lydia, and Kira the back three.
Liam and serafina had to drive with deaton.
Malia said awkwardly.
"back to Mexico."
everyone sat in silence.
"we better not almost die here again."
she continued.
Kira said broadly.
"shut up."
they sat in silence for a long period of time when Scott finally said,
"I don't understand——I just don't know why we can't get a break from problems. serafina comes out of no where and fucks everything up. God. I just want the scale to tip in the good direction for once. I'm sick of saving people's asses."
he took a long inhale and looked out his window.
"you know she's here for you."
Lydia said.
"she's here so Kate can find and kill you."
"yes—yes I know."
"then why are we going to protect her?"
"because we have too Lydia—we have too."
Lydia went silent and shut her eyes.
"we don't have too."
she said closing her eyes tightly.
"Kate will take her and leave us if we just don't help."

ever since Lydia had been trapinated, she has been stronger. she could predict all types of dangers. she was improved almost.

Scott looked her in the eyes and said,
"we can turn the game on Kate."
the next twenty minutes of the drive was silent. until a loud screeching sound erupted. the jeep tilted and turned. and stiles gripped the wheel tightly. the jeep stopped completely. Malia was the first out.
"everytime we come to Mexic—"
she gasped and hit the hard sanded road.
Scott got out and his head was smashed into the car door and left in the dust.
Kira, sword less, jumped out and was flipped over. then Lydia hid on the ground of the jeep, stiles did too.
"what's happening."
she whispered looking into stiles dark eyes.
"the deadpool?"
he said questionably.
a loud growl came from the outside.
the jeep shook.
another growl boomed.
another force hit the jeep.
Lydia covered her ears.
"do not scream."
stiles said soothingly.
"please Lydia do not scream."
the jeep window's shattered and stiles ears began to bleed.
her scream was so powerful it made stiles ears ring.
the back door of the jeep opened.
Liam stood there eyes glowing bright yellow.
he said out of breath.
serafina stood a distance behind him. back too us white and black claws out.
"she took on two of the three. I took on one."
Liam said confidence fading.
"there's more though there were three more—but they were scared."
stiles jumped out of the jeep as fast as he could, searching around for Scott.
he lain next to the jeep door blood all over his face.
stiles voice fell.
he got down on his knees and checked Scott's pulse.
there was no pulse.
stiles choked.
"no. no this can't—Scott."
he whimpered.
Kira and Malia, bloody were on each side of stiles. Liam and Lydia next to them. serafina's faint growls were in the distance. she was then at Scott's other side.
she whispered.
"not like this."
she mumbled silently.

she hovered over him and turned to the others.
"every banshee has one resurrection.
it's dangerous—and hard—but it's doable."
she glanced up
"stand back."
white claws appeared in place of her nails.
she stabbed them violently into her stomach and ripped to the right.
she screamed a banshee's scream. she hit the ground. green and black blood oozing from her gut.
she screamed.
her lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. a puddle of green and black surrounding her.
faint breathing came from
Scott's slightly ajar mouth.
Kira got down and hugged him, a screech of pain escaped his throat.
"I'm sorry."
she said smiling.
"it's alright."
Scott said.
"um. what happene?"
he continued.
Liam was next to serafina's body. small puffs of air coming from his nose.
"oh god.."
Scott slowly approached Liam.
"she's dead?"
he whispered.
"she resurrected you."
he said silently.
"she saved your life."
stiles said.
"I'm glad she's dead."
Lydia said, not loud enough for Liam to hear.
Malia nodded in agreement with her.

"I think there's a way to help her."
Liam said.
everyone stared at him.
Malia said sharply.
he leaned down and kissed her.
black ran through his vains.
"he's taking her pain."
malia said.
"Liam stop!"
it was too late. he had taken her pain so she could heal.
she was breathing heavily in his arms.
Malia mumbled.
stiles said.
"still gotta get seraph."

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