chapter XIII lost and lonely

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Kira's lifeless body was strewn across the backseat. Scott allowed no one except stiles to drive with him.
stiles said like a lost child.
"it's okay you know."
Scott slowly turned to face the source of the almost poisonous words.
he said, gritting his teeth.
"stiles. can you tell me how many of our friends have died? how many? not one.  not two. not three. more. much more. I'm sick of death stiles. I'm sick of losing people meeting people losing people. it's an endless cycle and I want it stop."
with his last word he hit the steering wheel so hard it made stiles stomach drop.
"you have me. you have Lydia. we're still around. we're here."
"for now."
he mumbled.

soon the ride was brought to an end. Scott went alone to the yakamori home. he felt like it was necessary to go alone. he carried her gently as if she were a baby. he looked down at the lifeless girl he once loved and stopped. he sat on their front steps and kissed her forehead one last time.
it was cold.
a single tear rolled down his cheek.
he knocked on the door once. then twice.
mr. yakamori answered.
a look of absolute terror struck his usual blank expression. Scott handed his daughter's lifeless body to him. and left.
not a word was exchanged. 

everyone was at stiles house again. this time with one more person.
deputy Jordan Parrish.
he was tall and built with brown hair and pale green eyes.
he looked at Scott with concern.
"so, where's this serpent you went to get?"
seraph walked down the stairs slowly with Lydia in her footsteps.
"that's the serpent."
he said staring as the two approached them.
seraph got a kick out of scaring people. so she turned right in front of the deputy.
"hell hound."
she said silently holding on the last d.
"very nice."
she circled him, her silver eyes glued to him.
"you're dangerous."
she finally said before her claws disappeared along with her eyes and fangs.

"she's a little creepy there Scott."
parrish said rather uncomfortably.
"she wanted you to feel that way."
Scott kind of laughed for a second, then his expression darkened once more.

his eyes looked like clouds.
Storm clouds.
his eyes were sunken and sad.
is hands hung awkwardly at his sides.
he was finally dead.
internally dead.

seraph sniffed rather sharply.
"many have tried to kill you Scott McCall. and someone has finally succeeded."
everyone stared at seraph curiously.
"she'll be back."
seraph said quietly.
"they have to come back."
she said under her breath.

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