chapter IV black

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after the last words departured with Scott's lips, he was on the phone with what sounded like a female, then a male. minutes later three people showed up.
I recognized Liam, he was in my grade, we were sophomores in highschool. he stared at me curiously, it looked as he recognized me.
"what's her name?"
he whispered to Scott.
Scott whispered back.
I felt awkward and I felt the intensity of eyes piercing into me.
"so what is she?"
Malia quickly asked.
Lydia responded.
an awkward silence creeped into the room.
"okay", Scott began, "let's tell her what we are."
"I'm a werewolf."
"I'm a banshee."
"I'm a coyote."
"I'm a wolf."
"I'm a kitsune."
"I'm a human."
"so basically, everyone is supernatural except stiles."
"I was possessed by an evil spirit."
silence crept in once more.
"good for you stiles."
"I'm a hybrid."
the words felt awkward coming out of my mouth. Liam then shoved me into a wall, I was very angered because it hurt. my face flushed with anger, when in reality, it was turning black, my eyes emerald green. I was turning into a jaguar.

the supernatural scared me. why did we exist? did we have a purpose on this planet?

Lydia's eyes grew wider than usual, she drew herself over to the far wall of Stile's house, and pressed her ear against it.
"I hear it."
"what do you hear Lydia?"
stiles was at her side immediately.
"the tapes."
her eyes shut and she hit the ground.
everyone was now at her aide;when Scott put his claws into her neck. I observed curiously when I felt them pierce my own neck.

I was tied down to the lab table. kalista was above me. I remember kalista, she worked with Kate long ago and here I was, one of her experiments. Kate was the woman who took me
in when my parents died. I looked around panicked. what do I do?
"well hello beautiful."
kalista's voice was evil and vile.
"let me go. you won't accomplish anything."
"please, banshees don't scare me. you're harmless."
harmless? she doesn't know. she doesn't know I'm a jaguar.
"I cannot wait to see what makes you different your power will be mine."
I laughed because she didn't know there was another supernatural element to me. she approached me with a syringe in hand. I was tied to the table and couldn't move at all so I began to panic.
"you won't get away with doing this. you won't do anything to me kalista."
"why do you say that banshee?"
I growled at her. my face flushed with black, my claws protruded from my fingertips, and white fangs erected from my gums. the leather straps tying me down broke off and I attacked kalista. I began ripping her skin from
her body, but I couldn't control myself. I couldn't control anything.

I woke up then with the feeling of a liquid seeping down my neck.
it was blood.
"why did you do that?"
"we saw what happened."
"why did you do that."
"your memory came back. that actually happened to you sera."
i was confused and scared and I wanted to leave. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I felt as if asthma attacks were going to take over my body.

everything hurt.
my eyes.
everything wanted to turn into the jaguar.
"what's happening to me?
I began crying. soft, liquid crystals streamed my cheeks as I began to scream. I was pained. not by anything physical, but the mental mentality.
I screamed then silently.

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