Chapter Six

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Another day and we are all still stuck here on this island. It’s been two days and I’m starting to get worried we will be here longer than expected. I’m still confused as to how I have managed to end up on the now crashed plane. People are keeping to themselves.

                Joel suggests we work together but I’m only 19 I don’t know how to survive on an island. I mean I’ve watched enough man vs. wild to know that those berries are poisonous and that snake will kill you, but I don’t know how to start a fire or catch fish.

                People have already started turning on each other and it won’t be long before all hell breaks loose. I’ve decided on the two people I can trust, Joel and Lilly.

 Joel had helped me when I almost died so I took that as I sign that I could trust him.

And Lilly. For some reason it seems like I’ve known her and her face seems so familiar.

                There are two reasons I am up before anyone else. Its Lilly’s birthday and I’ve decided that I shouldn’t sleep for I will be haunted by nightmares. I’ve set up a picnic for her to have tonight on the far end of the beach, away from everyone. I’ve put flowers by her for when she wakes up.

I’m sitting by the plane watching the sun rise. Have you ever really watched the sun rise? Like sat there and not think about anything else. Everything seems to disappear. But I know when everyone wakes up it will be “you have more food” or “how come you have two water bottles?”

“Nathan.” I turned to see Joel standing above me. He sat down next to me.  “Lilly told me.” He said in more of a hushed tone. I looked at him confused. “About how you don’t know how you got on the plane.”  He waited for me to respond but I just looked out to the water.

“She thinks that I can help you remember.” I looked down at my hands. “What is the last thing you remember Nathan?”

I thought for a minute and sighed, “I… I remember being in a car with my mates.” I looked at Joel and he looked at me confused.

“And…” he said, like he was expecting more to the story.

“And that’s it. That’s the last thing I remember.” I said. He looked at me disappointed. “But… I-I have these nightmares but I don’t know if they are real or not.” I said

“What happens” he asked curiously “in the nightmares?”

I paused trying to decide if I should tell him or not. “Well… I don’t really know. It’s more of flashes of stuff. Like me laughing in the car with the boys, then bright flashes, then faces I don’t recognize, people yelling my name…” I stopped trying to make since of what they meant.

He nodded. “If you ask me you probably just got on the wrong plane. You have fans at the airport right? So don’t worry about it.” He got up and left.

                I sat there for a few minutes and got up to see If Lilly was awake. She was sitting upright holding the flowers and smiled up at me. I smiled “Happy Birthday”

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