Chapter Nine

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Day 4.

I ended up fallings asleep last night when my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer, again I was haunted by nightmares. But this time I didn’t wake up because of that. This time I woke up because I smelt smoke.

I sat up and realized I wasn’t sitting next to Lilly.

I wasn’t at the “camp site.”

I was in the woods not to far from the beach. How did I get there? I started to run. I ran to the beach were people were running away from the makeshift “hospital” space.

I looked everywhere confused. People were getting water and throwing it on the fire. The fire wasn’t very big but it was enough to burn important supplies.

Who had done this?

Then it hit me. The only person I know who would of done this, unless it was an accident, was my kidnapper, the mystery man.

I ran over to help but by then the fire was out.

“You!” someone yelled and rushed towards me pushing me over and nailing me to the ground. “You did this!” he shouted.

“What-?” I asked very confused. But he interrupted me with a punch in the face, before being dragged off of me.

Lately I would say my life right now is full of questions and people punching me in the face.

I got up and looked at everyone staring at me and the guy that just punched me in the face being held back by someone else. Then Joel came over.

“What’s going on!” He asked looking at me.

Then before I could say anything my accuser started, “He started the fire! I know it! He was the only one not here!”

Joel looked at me with a ‘not this again’ face. I shook my head no, very confused.

“Nathan, did you start the fire?” He asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

“no!” I said shaking my head.

“He’s Lying! I saw him do it! You were in the blue hoodie! He had a lighter! Check his pockets!” The man said.

This was getting old. Add that to the list of things my life has become, being searched.

“Fine!” I said slightly yelling. “You want to check my pockets?! I will do it for you.” I reached into my pockets and turned the left one out. “See noth-” But then I put my hand in my right pocket and felt a familiar shape of something I really didn’t want to be in my pocket. A lighter.

I slowly pulled it out of my pocket shocked.

“See! I told you!” He yelled. I looked up at Joel. He looked disappointed and shocked.

“I- Its not mine! I swear!.” I started but I know how it looked. And it was no use.

I needed to talk to Joel about this now.

He took the lighter out of my hand and held it in his own. “Nathan.”

“you have to believe me!” I pleaded.

“did you take the pills too nath?” He asked. I was shocked. Even if this was someone I met 4 days ago I trusted him and I expected him to do the same.

“No!” I replied.

I looked at me wanting to believe me but I knew on the inside he didn’t.

“We should send him out in the woods!” Someone yelled from the crowd

Then another, “We should make him swim the sea!”

Then more and more people yelling things. Deciding what to do with me.

“Enough!” Joel yelled. He looked at me with sad eyes. “come with me.” Then I followed him to a more private area of the beach.

“Joel I didn’t do it. I never took the pills. I never started the fire.” I started.

“Then who did Nathan!” He yelled. “If you didn’t who did!” I was shocked at how loud he was.

I looked around to see if anyone was listening. “look I was kidnapped. I know it sounds crazy but that’s how I ended up on the plane and this guy is framing me for all of these things Joel. You have to believe me.”

“Who?” he asked

I paused. “I don’t know. Lilly does though and she says he never is seen. Mate please. He drugged me on the plane and the night I ran into the woods and had an asthma attack.

He looked at me like I was crazy. “your mental.” he started walking off but I stopped him, grabbing his arm.

“Joel, someone cant make this stuff up. You have to believe me.” I paused pleading to him to understand. “please.”

He sighed and sat down. I sat down next to him.

“What happened?” He asked

Then I told him exactly what Lilly had told me. Hoping he would understand.

“It could be anyone?” He asked.

I nodded. “Lilly says he is hardly out and he doesn’t want me alive. He doesn’t want the others to trust me so they don’t care what happens to me”

He nodded. “Okay, I believe you.” I nodded and thanked him as he stood up to go back to the others

“What now?” I asked.

He sighed and replied. “Now. We tell a lie.”

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