Chapter Nineteen

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“Nathan! Nathan wake up!” Someone was shaking me and yelling for me to wake up. “Nathan open your fucking eyes!”

I heard a gunshot and quickly opened them. Joel looked at me “We have to go now.”

I heard yelling, screaming, gunshots, and smelled smoke. Joel tried to help me up but I only let out a yell of pain. I shook my head and bit my lip “I-I can’t.” But he wouldn’t stop.

“Yes you can Nathan now get up,” He tried again.

I heard another gunshot and looked at him, “Mate turn me in.” I nodded “N-noone needs to die because of me.”

He looked at me and shook his head trying to find the words to say at this moment.

I could tell he knew I was right. He knew. He knew that the right thing to do would be to turn me in. If I didn’t then he would kill everyone. I mean if I just laid here in my state I would die anyways.

But how do you say that to someone?

Do you say “Im sorry?” Do you say “It was nice knowing you?” He nodded and looked down, “Nathan im so sorry.”

I nodded, “Just do me a favor.” He nodded and I continued, “If you make if off the island, tell the boys and my family that Im sorry.”

He nodded.

“Now. Help me up and get me close to the camp. Then when we are there I want you to run and hide.” I said.

He sighed and nodded. He helped me up and I bit my lip holding back another yelp of pain.

When we got close to the camp he sighed and looked at me. I shook my head “Go before someone sees you.” He nodded slowly, turned around and started running.

This was it.

I started to limp my way in the camp and looked around.

Everything seemed too happened in slow motion after that.

Someone saw me and pointed at me. “There!” they yelled “I found him!” Then Ryan walked over and smirked. He lifted his gun. I closed my eyes and heard the gunshot. I waited for the pain but instead heard someone yell “NO!” I opened my eyes I saw Hazel in front of me.

She ran in front of me and took the bullet. She fell to the ground. I looked at her with tearful eyes. “No! Hazel!” But before I could even squat down next to her another gunshot was fired, this time hitting me right in the chest.

I fell next to Hazel and let a few tears fall. She took my hand.

She looked at me and spoke softly, “Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was, “Did you bring joy?” The second was, “Did you find joy?”

I looked at her gasping for breath and coughing up blood, “A-and did y-you?”

She smiled a little and let a few tears fall, “It depends. Did I bring you joy?”

I nodded weakly and she smiled.

Everything started to blur and I knew this was it. I looked over at her and she looked at me. “H-Hazel. I-I love y-you.”

She smiled and kissed my hand lightly, “I l-love you too.”

Then everything went black.

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