Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jays POV

He woke up about an hour ago. But he’s different. He’s not the same Nathan. He flinches every time someone tried to touch him and he tenses up every time someone opens the door or there is a loud noise. He hasn’t said much either. He just nods or shakes his head.

I’m really happy he is here and alive though. We haven’t seen him in two weeks. They were going to pronounce him dead for Christ sake!

But the man who did this, Ryan, is nowhere to be found.

We haven’t told Nathan.

The doctor asked us not to. He said it could cause Nathan to have a panic attack or asthma attack, which wouldn’t be good for him when he’s in this state.

I hate seeing him like this.

He’s like my little brother.

Hazel’s POV

I heard that Nathan is awake. I also heard that he isn’t talking at all and he seems scared.


They don’t know what happened on the island. There weren’t there. They won’t let me see him though. The doctor said that I can’t get up yet. I’m still “not well enough.” They also don’t want me seeing him until they question us separately.

Nathan won’t be able to handle all of the questions by himself.

Yeah he has his friends and all but they weren’t there.

Nathans POV

They expect me to talk about what happened. I just got here. I woke up an hour ago!

It’s good to see the boys again but I really just want to see Hazel. I know what you’re thinking. ‘You only have known her for a week Nathan’ this is true. But she knows what happened and I don’t have to explain to her.

Everywhere I look I feel like he is watching me.

Every time someone touches me, Ryan is touching me.

Every time someone opens a door, it’s Ryan.

Every time someone moves something in the room, it’s Ryan.

I just hope that he is in prison by now.

Or even better, I hope he’s dead.

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