Chapter Ten

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After Joel told everyone that he set the fire people didn’t seem mad. But I could tell everyone was keeping a close eye on me.

Joel said he would take the blame because no one would send the only doctor away.

Joel told everyone he was trying to get a fire going but it got out of hand. He then told them that he gave me the lighter so I could cover cover him.

Everyone seemed to believe it.

I now found myself standing where lilly should have been. She was gone.

The only thing on the towel that lilly once laid on was a piece of paper.

I picked it up and unfolded it, scared as to what I might read.

******behind plane, sunset,

come alone or her blood

is on your hands*******

I stared at the paper and ran my hand through my hair.

I pocketed the note and sat down.

What was I supposed to do? I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that if you get a note says come alone it wasn’t going to end good.

If I told someone he would kill her and probably frame that on me too.

I debated on telling Joel but I wasn’t thinking clearly.

I sat there panicking. My life was officially a horror story.

I sat there on the towel for the whole day.

If I didn’t go lilly would die.

If I told someone lilly would die.

if I went I would most likely die.

If I brought someone we would both die.

I went through evey possibility and the ending result wasn’t good.

I found myself watching the sunset and sighed. I hid the note under the blanket in hopes that if someone notices we were gone they would find the note.

I stood up and started walking behind the plane.

This was it for me I guess.

I stood there for a minute and looked around.

Then I felt something heavy go over my head and everything go black.

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