Chapter Twenty-One

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Jays POV

We sat in a private room listening to the detective.

“Nathan was brought in with another girl in severe condition. He was in a plane crash and was on the island for a week and a half, maybe two. From what we gathered in the doctors reports, Nathan was shot twice, once in the stomach and once close to the heart. He was raped and tortured. And he had a broken leg.”

I shook my head shocked. Our Nathan. Shot twice, raped, and tortured. But I could only let one thing out “W-Who?”

He sighed “we don’t know yet. We are going to start questioning the other survivors to see if they know anything.”

We all nodded as he left.

I looked at the boys and held back tears.

“A-At least hes alive guys.” Max said.

I shook my head “We don’t know that for sure.


After an hour of waiting the doctor came in.

“Nathan is still in surgery but the girl that was with him when they were rescued was yelling for him.” He nodded “She doesn’t have any family here. I thought you guys might want to talk to her.”

We nodded and got up. We went to her room where we saw a frightened girl.

“W-Who are y-you?” she asked.

I walked over and sat in one of those plastic chairs. “We are friends of Nathans. Im jay. That’s Max, Siva,  and Tom” I said.

She sighed in relief “I-is he okay? H-have you seen him?”

Max shook his head “He’s in surgery.”

I nodded and looked at her, “Can you tell us what happened?”

 Hazels POV

Jay looked at me and asked “Can you tell us what happened?”

I sighed and nodded.  I can’t tell them about me being a part of kidnapping Nathan though, they would never forgive me. So I started from the beginning.

I told them everything besides the parts that I helped Ryan on. They nodded and I could see tears in their eyes.

I sighed and looked down at the sheets “On our way here, in the helicopter, Nathan went flat line.” I looked up at them “Is he alive?”

They nodded, “From what we know he’s alive.” Siva said.

I nodded and smiled a little “Are you guys in a band together?”

They nodded “How did you know?” Tom asked.

I smiled “Nathan talked a lot about you guys.”

I looked over at the table beside my bed and pointed to the letter Nathan wrote for them. “I think that you guys should read that, even if he is going to be okay.”

They nodded and left the room with the letter.

I just hoped that Nathan was okay. And if he wasn’t then I don’t think that I would ever be able to forgive myself.

Max’s POV

We waited two hours.

Jay still had the letter in his hands and he kept rereading it over and over again. But when the doctor walked out with smiles on his face we knew it was good news.

“He’s alive. He is in pain but he’s alive. He’s going to have to take it VERY easy for a while” He nodded, told us the room number, and walked away.

We practically ran to Nathan’s room.

When we got there we saw his pale face and small body.

It was our Nathan.

We all started crying.

I sat next to Nathan’s bed and held his hand “We missed you so much Nathan.”

When he opened his eyes and woke up, we realized that he may be fine physically with time, but mentally he was broken.

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