Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was finally on the last letter. The first letter was a simple task to make sure I was playing this “game.” The second one was simply to give them a certain amount of money. But since the first two were easy, he was worried this one would be the challenge. Now I was sitting at his desk holding the last one.

I kept hear a beeping sound over and over again in my head. It would go away and then come back a few hours later. One time I swear I heard crying but im sure it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

I slowly opened the letter and started reading it.


5544 Abby Rd.

10 pm

Come alone.


Ps. Above the bed is not the protection, in the box, the ending shall go off with a bang!


I reread it and sighed. Above the bed is not the protection… What could that mean? I looked over at my bed. Under the bed?

I got down on his stomach and looked under the bed.

In the box.

I reached out and pulled a shoe box out from under the bed.

The ending shall go off with a bang.

I opened it slowly and looked at it terrified when I found a gun.

I quickly closed the box when he heard someone walk in. I looked up to see Max. “Mate pizza is here.” I nodded and watched him walk out. I started to wonder if I should tell the boys or not. At this point i was scared and really wondered if a girl was worth it.

As I walked downstairs he kept hearing the constant beeping in my head.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Not loud but it was annoying. I shook my head and leaned against the railing. Finally it went away.

The boys noticed that I have been distant lately but they just push it a side to being on the island. They never ask about it though.

I talked to Jay once about being there but that was it.

"Nathan… could… could you maybe tell us what happened when the plane crashed?" Tom asked, earning a elbow to his stomach.

I sighs and nodded a little “when I uh.. when I woke up I was on the beach. Then I heard people screaming and crying. Everything sort of happened in slow motion I guess."

They nodded and continued eating the pizza while I talked.

"The last thing I remembered was getting in the car with you boys, so I was confused as to how I got on the plane." I said.

We talked. We talked for hours about the island. And honestly it felt good to get it all off my mind. But I still had one letter to finish.

That night I snuck out with the gun hidden and the letter in my hand. I drove to the address and pulled up to what was an abandoned warehouse. Perfect.

I walked in slowly and looked around. Then I heard footsteps and looked to see where they were coming from.  I saw Hazel. She was perfectly fine.

“Hazel.. what’s going on?” I asked.

She pointed over to a body lying on the ground. Was that Ryan?

“Hazel what.. What have you done?” I asked taking out the gun.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said with a smirk.

Then that beeping returned in my head. Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Hazel… Im tired of you lying to me..” I said as i held the gun up as she kept getting closer. “I have done every fucking thing that was in the letters and you still lie to me!?"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

She laughed, “Nathan you really thought I was in love with you. The only reason I told you that was so your precious boys will think Ryan killed you. Because im just the sweet innocent girl that loved Nathan to death.” She looked at him, “This is a game Nathan. This is a game. Im like the games master Nathan. I make all the rules and I call all of the shots. Everyone you met on the island was part of the game Nathan. Me, Ryan, even your precious little doctor Joel.”

I shook his head, “No. Joel helped me!"

She smiled, “So did I Nathan. Im playing all of the pieces and right now you are exactly where I want you to be. This was never about money for me Nathan. Only Ryan wanted the money..”

“They why did you fucking do this!?” I yelled.

She smiled, “Because I got bored Nathan.”

I tightened his grip on the gun and shook as a few tears fell down his cheek. “You aren’t going to shoot me Nathan.”

I held up the gun more and looked at her, “You don’t know that.”

She smiled, “Then shoot me. COME ON NATHAN! SHOOT ME!”

Then I closed his eyes and pulled the trigger as a bang echoed around them. I heard a body hit the ground and all of a sudden everything went black.

Then the beeping stopped and it was just one long sound.


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