Chapter Sixteen

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It was infected and I had a high fever. The mail goal for Joel right now was to get my fever down and treat my wound as carefully as possible. It had been 5 hours since I had been shot. It felt like longer.

Hazel sat next to me holding my hand. They had to cover the hut with blankets and sheets because the light was giving me a massive headache. I had my eyes closed hoping to get some sleep but everything hurt. The lower half of my body felt useless.

“What happened?” Joel asked Hazel probably thinking I was asleep.

She hesitated “um… Ryan… he kidnapped Nathan and … tortured him. He told me to come back at sunset so I did but I saw him…” She stopped and took a deep breath “I tried to help nath but he shot him.”

“He would probably be dead if you didn’t help him.” He said

She rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb. “How did you find us?”

I heard Joel moving stuff around, “We heard the gunshot.” He sighed and I opened my eyes.

Hazel moved hair out of my face “How do you feel?”

I shook my head weakly and took a deep breath. Only when I let it out found that it was difficult to breathe again. Another side effect from a high fever, difficulty breathing. Joel noticed this and grabbed my inhaler. Unable to sit up or move for that matter he put it in my mouth and counted to three.

I took one puff.

Only one because my inhaler was running low and Joel knew this wasn’t the only time this was going to happen. Haxel gave me some water but I only would throw that up later.

Someone walked in with a bucket of fresh water and left. Hazel dipped cloths in the water and rinsed it out. She put one on my forehead and one behind my neck. Anytime I moved I had instant pain in the lower half of my body.

My leg still hurt like hell, the gunshot wound would occasionally bleed more, and I have tried to suppress everything that’s happened to forget it but anytime someone touches me I flinch.

Except Joel and Hazel.

I trust Joel and Hazel saved me.

I felt weak, useless, and sore. I was using up most of the medical supplies and I think that what I hated the most. I kept still. Partly because my neck was getting stiff from the ever and partly because my whole body hurt.

But I still was hallucinating.

Ryan would whisper things in my ear or I would hear gunshots. The boys even made an appearance once.

I bet the site of me wasn’t pretty.

Broken leg, bandages covering my arms from cuts, sweating, pail.

Broken. I Nathan Sykes was broken.

I would no longer be the same “Nathan” everyone kn

I could see the headlines now.

“Nathan Sykes, of boyband The Wanted, kidnapped and in plane crash”

Hazel went to find my bag of clothes so it was just me and joel now. He was messing with some supplies then he looked over at me, “Nathan, Hazel told me everything that happened.” I looked at him.

“I know what he did-“

I cut him off, “Thanks for saving me.” I tried to say in a scratchy voice trying to change the subject.

“Look nathan I know you may not want to face this right now but I honestly don’t know if we are ever going to get off of this island.” He said.

I knew exactly what he was talking about, “Youre right Joel, I don’t want to deal with this right now. So please mate just give me a day.” I said.

He nodded and turned away.

He knew I was in pain from being raped and to be honest it hurt more than my gunshot wound right now. But it only happened a few hours ago and honestly I don’t think I can deal with it right now.

I could hear management now “this is great publicity for you guys! Interviews and books and magazines and new music!”

I really just wanted to go home.

And I don’t know what scared me more. The fact the we may not get off this island or the fact the Ryan is still out there.

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