Chapter Fifteen

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14 more hours.

I didn’t know that 14 more hours from this moment I would have my chance at rescue.

To get off the island.

I wish at this moment I could tell you I did some cool matrix move to dodge the bullet but I couldn’t.

He shot me.

I fell to the ground and looked down.

The bullet went through me.

Ryan ran away.

Hazel got on her knees and I saw tears in her eyes. “Oh god nathan” she looked at me and held onto my face “nathan stay awake please try”

She took off her jacket and pushed it lightly on the wound.

Everything started to get fuzzy.

I heard yelling and footsteps and I saw more faces.

Is that Joel?

I blacked out but still heard some things.

“We have to get him back!”

“He’s loosing to much blood!”

“I can stop the bleeding just help me!”

“Nathan please open your eyes”

“Hazel if he wakes up don’t let him look at the wound. He might go into shock.”

Everything sounded like I was in a tunnel.


“Stay with me mate!”

“Nathan? Nathan!”

Then I completely blacked out. I couldn’t hear anything or open my eyes.

It was just black.


I felt someone pressing hard on my chest and heard someone say “he has a pulse!”

What happened?

I opened my eyes to see Joel and a few other people I didn’t recognize.

I tried to look down to where it hurt but Hazel stopped me.

“Nathan just look at me okay?”

I nodded weakly but felt a sharp pain I’m my stomach and screamed.

“Sorry nath just stay awake” I heard Joel say.

I looked at Hazel. She had red puffy eyes and looked as if she was crying.

I felt another sharp pain and winced.

“Please stop.” I tried to yell but came out as a whisper. I didn’t realize how dry my mouth was until then.

Hazel grabbed a water bottle and pored some into my mouth.

I reached for her hand and she took it instantly.

I winced at the pain “how much longer” I said weakly

I could hear Joel’s voice “I’m done nath all I have to do is stitch it up”

I nodded slightly and closed my eyes.

“No nathan keep your eyes open” Hazel said.

I nodded and opened my eyes.

She took a wet cloth and rubbed the sweat off of my forehead.

I looked up at her “you still have the letter?”

She nodded and let a tear fall “hopefully I won’t need it.”

I could feel Joel putting in the stitches on my stomach and back but I couldn’t stay awake anymore.

I closed my eyes and once again was met with the darkness.

When i woke up it was day time.

No one was in the “hut” with me.

I was sore. I was in pain. And I was scared to be alone.

I looked around, “Hazel?” I tried to yell. “Joel?”

Someone was standing in the corner. Someone big.


He started walking closer and closer to me

I started crying. “Help! Please don’t!”

I couldn’t get up I couldn’t move.

But then Joel and Hazel ran in and held my hand.

“Nathan its okay no one is going to hurt you I promise.”

I tried to calm down and looked around the room.

He was gone.

“He- he was i-in h-here” I said.

Joel looked around and shook his head “he’s not in here nathan.”

Joel walked towards me and put his hand on my head “shit”

He lifted down my shirt and took off my bandages

He looked at Hazel, “its infected.”

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