Hide and Seek

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Lucy P. O. V

I swallow back tears as I felt another wave of pain come to my body, making let out a silent cry. The pain in my stomach was slowly increasing, my eye was twitching to close.

My body was staring to became soar, and I knew that I'll have a bruise when this is over. I let out a gasp as the metal rod slammed into my stomach making me crash against the metal wall.

"Gajeel, calm down your gonna kill her if you keep going." I heard one of the dark mages say. So his name is Gajeel great I thought to my self and flinched hearing the metal clink as it hit the ground.

I heard footsteps and not before long I saw the males leather with silver lining combat boot in my sight. I could hear the rhythm of his breathing and the warmth as it hit my ear. " What's wrong? Why so quite? " Goosebumps ran down my arms and back hearing his deep husky voice. I bit my bottom lip. " Answer me" He said the tone of his voice changing.

Suddenly I was looking at his deep blood red eyes his pupils were like a angry lizard. I couldn't believe the emotions that were swimming in his red eyes.

God, I just hurt my sister!

I hurt his deep voice ring true my head as black spots dance in my vision. Is like that time.

Flash back

I giggle to myself as the clever idea of playing hide in seek with my older brother came to mind. I jump out of my  bed and walked to my older brother bedroom.

I enter the room, silently, making sure not to wake up my brother from his "nap" as he calls it ,and then jumped on his bed, waking him up in a horrible way.

I wasn't stupid or anything I just wanted to do that for a long while. Of course I knew better that to do that again or to stay in the room. So I quickly jump off the bed and ran outside yelling "Hide in Seek! ".

I hid behind a tree and giggle to myself hearing the loud groan coming from inside. I heard footsteps in the distance and sticks cracking under the pressure of my brother body weight. I held my breath hearing the footsteps near me. When the cracking of sticks and footsteps were gone, I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding. I then flew warm air hit the side of my neck when I was in the strong arms of my older brother, Gajeel. I squeal and laughed as the son of the iron dragon tickle my side. "That for waking me up," I heard Gajeel say and stop tickling me. My feet touch the ground, and Gajeel arms unwrapped themselves off my sides. I turn and smile at the older male in front of me. "Hi Big Brother " I said. " Hi little Sister" He said back. " Can we play again? " I asked. Gajeel looked at me Me sick seeing my puppy eyes out. " Yeah sure, but I'll go hide you count. " Gajeel said before turning and running to hide. I giggle and cover my eyes. " 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...uh? Here I come!" I said and ran to find my brother.

Flashback end

I open my eyes to feel hot air smacking my face. I looked around to see Natsu and Gajeel fight. Both fire and metal clashing fiercely. I sat up and notice that my hand weren't bond anymore. I then rubbed my wrist and stood up, when the impact of one of the attacks force me back to the floor. I cover my eyes . I open my eyes and gasp seeing both Gajeel and Natsu in the floor groaning of pain. The room stared shaking, I stood up and walked but fell. I was waiting for the impact but it never came. I looked up to see Gajeel arms around me, stopping my fall.

Gajeel the grabbed me and ran. " Where are we going !" I yelled true the shaking. " Away from here! "" What abo-" I stop my sentence seeing Natsu not to far from us.

I could see a light in the end of the hall and hear the metal moving and crashing into the ocean. I screamed as Gajeel jumped. I'm going to die! I thought as the air hit my face. Of course I just had to black out again.

When I woke up,again, I was laying in my soft pink bed. I then thought that it was only a bad dream when I saw Gajeel in front of me, sleeping peacefully. I notice how calm he looked as he slept, his body relaxed. I looked over my shoulder to see Natsu also in my bed, snoring loudly. Gajeel pierced arm went up and hit Natsu in the hip, making him go silent for a minute before starting again.

I heard Gajeel let out a groan, burring his face in my neck as he tried to fall asleep. I giggle and ran my fingers true his long jet black hair. I then heard Gajeel mumble something in my neck, his warm breath hitting my neck, goosebumps ran down my back.

" What? " I asked not hearing him clearly. Gajeel mumble again. " Could you say that clearly, I can't understand you ." I said stopping my movement. " I'm sorry " My eyes widen. " Why would you be sorry for?" I asked him." Because I did something no brother should have done. " Gajeel said hugging me close to his body. I sigh and placed my head in his shoulder. " You didn't know" "But I should have remembered you! Your my little sister after all! I should have known just seeing you! But I didn't... " Gajeel said. I felt something wet hit my neck and realized it was Gajeel tears splashing into my neck. " I didn't know" Natsu said, startling Gajeel and I. " I saw her and until I saw her eyes I knew who she was. I... Saw memories that I lost and it all return to me by looking into her eyes. " Natsu said. " I also didn't know so is not much of a difference that I thought she was just another random girl who liked wearing short skirts or low cut shirts. " " But I beat her! " " It was what you were told to do! You wouldn't have done it if you remember right! You wouldn't had fought me if you remember that I was your little brother!" " Annoying Little brother! " Gajeel said making the three of us laugh. I stop giggling and looked at both my brothers. " So don't feel sorry, you didn't know okay" I said, and placed my hand in Gajeel wet cheek. " Yeah". We stayed silent and enjoy our presence.

" I'm hungry" Natsu said making Gajeel and I laugh. Natsu pouted and stared to laugh with us.

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