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Lucy. P. O. V
I layed awake in my bed, staring at my ceiling. I somehow knew that I had bangs under my eyes of lack of sleep that night. I couldn't sleep at all! How could I when I was worried about my brothers, who off and went on a S-class mission. I know I shouldn't be worried when they have Laxus, and Cobra watching their every move, but I was still worried of how idiotic those brothers of mine are. Especially Natsu and Sting.

I look at my clock and saw how late it was. Well for me. So I got up and went to take a long warm bath to relax me and maybe fully wake me up.

I close my apartment, and locking it. I placed my keys in my pocket and walked towards the guild. I couldn't decide what to wear that day, so I just went with a low cut red shirt, blue skinny jeans and brown boots.

Time skip

I enter the guild, to see a normal brawl had formed. Natsu and Gajeel right in the middle. Laxus and Elijah were also fighting, which wasn't really a surprise. Since Elijah has come, him and Laxus have been fighting nonstop.

I smile seeing that they were fine and went to find the rest of my brothers. I found Gajeel with my bestfriend Levy. Levy in his lap as she read and as he set his metal. "Morning. Levy-chan, Big Brother." I said walking over to them. " Morning Lu-chan!" Levy responded, with a smile. "Morning Bunny Girl" Gajeel said, a smirk on his face. I pouted and kissed his cheek and hugged Levy, before going to search for the twins and Cobra.

Finding Cobra was easy, he was sharing tells with Jessie, Kianna and Wendy. Kianna was cleaning the glasess, Jessie was sitting in the table and drinking a Dr Pepper , and Wendy was in our big brother lap, playing with his hair.

I rolled my eyes when Jessie started go flirt with Kianna and Cobra knocked him out. I went to search for the twins.

I found the two brothers talking to someone I had never seen before. I looked at the woman curiosity.

She had flowing black hair with a blue strip in her bangs, that cover her right eye, her eyes were a dark yellow. Her eyes were narrowed, a bull peiring in her nose.

She was wearing a dark clothes.
She had a black long sleeve shirt that ended a few inches below her large breasts, that compare to Mira-jane. She had a blood red jacket wrapped around her waist, black tight skinny jeans, and high knee combat boots that I didn't know existed. They don't but I just wanted it like this.

As I got closer I notice she had two snakebites in the right of her lip, almost next to each other. She had a lot of piercings in her ear, and also in her expose neck a dermal piercing and Hip piercing. Also a choker.

"Hi Big sister" Sting said noticing me. " Hey Sting, Rogue and... " I said, looking at the girl.

She smiled. " My names Alyssa Music. Nice to meet you." Alyssa's said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you to Alyssa" I smiled at her. A new addition to the family. And this it's a girl!

Alyssa Music is me Zodiac! But older and Fairy Tail style.I also do want a lot of piercings especially the dermal front neck one and the two snakebite and the bull one too. So on with the description of Alyssa.

Alyssa Music

Age : 25 years old

Height: 5'5

Hair color: Black with a blue strip in the bangs.

Eye color: Dark yellow

Magic: Music and Earth Dragon Slayer

Alyssa was raised and trained by her father, Musicana. The dragon of Music and her mother Gaia the Dragon of Earth. At 7-7-X777 her parents dissapred mad left her alone. Since then she was trained her self in the woods amd bacame a mercenary to take care of two orphan child named Michael and Milo.

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