A Year with Mr. Arrogant

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I would recommend not reading this, however you're still welcome to.

I am rewriting this book under a different title, DATING MR. ARROGANT. Please go check that out instead!

This book was written in 2011, when I was a teenager. I have edited this one as best as I can, as some parts don't make sense and the story is fast-paced. It is also cringeworthy and cliche. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. I appreciate those who have given A Year With Mr. Arrogant love throughout the years.

TW: Bullying

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- Love Nara

A Week Earlier - Ace

"I don't care what you have to say son, I'm picking a wife for you and that's that," My father, Ron Daniels, shouted at me but at the same time he tried to stay calm. My eyes traveled to my mom's, who was massaging his shoulders trying to keep him calm.

"I'm afraid your father's right son," Mom sighed, coming to my side; where I sat on the opposite side of father's desk, "We don't want you to keep bringing different girls home every week.....o-or staying out late."

Mother placed her hands on mine, noticing that my hands were starting to tremble from anger.

"I'm already 18, I can do whatever I please," I snarled, rising from my seat, looking at the shocked face on my father. After taking one last look at my mother, who's heart seemed to look as if it had sunk when I had said those words.

"Why you son of a---," My father shouted as I left his office.

I loved my parents to death but telling me that I should marry out of no where was something I couldn't follow.

A Week Later - Abrielle

"Hey scholar!" a blond bimbo by the name of Cassidy called me, loud enough for everyone down the hall to hear.

I had just transferred to Harlock Academy as a scholarship student, and already everyone in the school knows. I mean why is it so bad? My family was middle class, but it obviously still seemed "poor" on their list.

Ugh! I hated this school so much already. Every corner you turn there were snobby rich kids ready to eat you alive or something. It made me want to take a gigantic lawn mower and clear the hall of these arrogant-headed people. Especially Cassidy and her blond army. I know it was violent and murderous but still!

The reason why I'm at this horrid school was because my parents were proud of me in getting in. They tell me how I'm the most wonderful daughter in the world and even bought me a new Iphone, how can I disappoint them now?!

Funny how I was so popular when I attended my old school, West Hill High, and now I'm at the bottom of the list. They can seriously kiss my ----

The bell started to ring violently and everyone started to clear the halls. With that I sighed and headed to my first class, math. All twenty-five pair of eyes rested on me as I took my seat. What the hell are they laughing about?

"Excuse me?" a brown haired girl with baby blue eyes tapped my shoulder. I gave her an angry look that made her jump in her seat a little.

"Um....there's a......here," she said, reaching behind my back and pulling off a piece of paper.

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