A Year with Mr. Arrogant 12

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We got to this cute store where they sold wedding decorations and such. Ace and I walk in and I'm amazed at all the things in the room. Boy, this was going to be hard to choose out of which table cloth, table decorations and the color coordinating.

For a wedding that's not real, It sure feels like the real thing. Fake or not, I want it to go perfect.

"Hey, they're over there," Ace said, and I look up to see Mom, Mrs. Daniels, and Jade were already here.

We walk towards them and they were arguing about which center piece they should put on the tables. 

"This one is elegant," Mrs. Daniels argued holding up a white candle with rose petals in it.

"But Elle likes purple," Mom argued holding up a fish bowl shaped vase with small purple flowers and a long candle sticking out of it.

Mom knew me the best of course but I would have to talk with Ace and what he thinks.

"Mom," I called, and they all shot their heads towards us.

"Good you're here. We need you to pick out the decorations," Mom said, pulling me to come look at the center pieces. 

"Yeah, cause were going to get nowhere like this," Jade rolled her eyes.

I looked around and they were all beautiful. It made me want to take all of them but that would cost a lot. Each of the center pieces were over a hundred each. How are we suppose pay, oh wait, I can't underestimate the Daniels family.

"Remember you have your rehearsal dinner, and reception, so pick a couple different center pieces," Mrs. Daniels told me.

I could tell this was going to be a big wedding. How many tables are there going to be and how many guest are sitting at one table? I know for sure I have a big family.

"You like purple, right?" Ace hovered over my shoulder, looking down at the center pieces.

"How do you know?" I looked at his face, raising my eyebrow.

"Anyone would notice, most of your stuff is purple," He shrugged, picking up a glass vase with swirly designs on it.

Wow, did he really notice? I don't believe I ever told him my favorite color either. I know his is blue.

We heard some loud squeals and turn to the source of the annoying sound. Mrs. Daniels, mom, and Jade all stand there looking amused. I don't understand them until I notice how much of a couple we actually looked, just looking at the center pieces together.

"Don't mind them," Ace sighed, not even caring about what they were squealing about.

I just nod and get back to looking at the decorations, but truthfully I just couldn't stop smiling at the fact that he was this close. Normally I would push him away, but this? This felt comfortable.


For hours we continued looking; we've already got the different center pieces, white table cloths, and other wedding supplies. Our color theme was purple and grey, but of course some white. When we estimated the total, the price was over the mountains! We were going to get them ordered by the time of the parties.

We got to the car and it was already late. I was so tired I didn't even want to move at all. I could just fall asleep right in Ace's car.

"Are you okay?" Ace questioned, starting the car and the engine purred.

A Year With Mr. Arrogant (2011)Where stories live. Discover now