Chapter Sixteen

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"Yet each man kills the thing he loves

By each let this be heard

Some do it with a bitter look
Some with a flattering word
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword".

"Everyone suffers at least one bad betrayal in their lifetime. It's what unites us. The trick is not to let it destroy your trust in others when that happens. Don't let them take that from you."

THE NEXT DAY/ NOV 21st 2008:

Life wasn't easy for her. Alice had never expected her life to be like this. She wanted peace. Peace from all over. It was as if God was angry with her or maybe something else was wrong. Maybe she was the reason why everyone was in trouble. Even Krista. Krista had been her loyal friend and employee. And it was because of her that her family was in danger.

Sometimes she thought, her father was right. She was not supposed to enter this world. Enter this messy world. Filled with bad people everywhere.

She was 27th year old now. She was not a baby anymore. She needed to make decisions for her life. Perfect ones. But people were betraying her. Danny, whom she thought was her friend used her. Kidnapped her love, who had turned Krista against her, who acted as if he loved her, he cared for her. But it was all rubbish. A MISTAKE. She trusted him, gave 50% partnership in her company. What else could she do? She had given him everything she could. And now he is against her. Wants to steal her company? The company which supported her. The company which taught her to stand like an independent woman. The company which gave her wealth and mental peace. The company which had helped her to come out of her love life. But it was of no use. He wanted to turn everything against her. Even Henry. She still loved him. Henry was the one she would love forever. No matter what.

"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime."


The previous week had been uneasy and busy. New things happened. New in a sense which were new for Alice to achieve or see.

Krista and Alice they both had managed to find Henry. He was found in a roommate place. Far away from the city.

Alice's first reaction was quite expected. She had jumped over him like a puppy. And he hold her with all of the strength he could use. Henry was muscular and had heavy arms. He had squeezed her. But Alice loved it. She wanted more. More of his strength. More of him. More of his manly Power. She had always loved manly power. And Henry was one of them.

Henry's reaction wasn't expected at all. Danny hated him. And so had tried to destroy him. But couldn't. Although his body was filled with bruises all over but they were okay. And they were easy to heal. Danny wasn't that harsh. Although he acted as if he was. When Henry saw her. Her Alice. He thought he was in a dream or something. He hadn't expected her. He hadn't expected to see her here or anywhere. He thought he would die without seeing her. Seeing her made his heart jump. And his eyes filled with tears. Alice had never seen him crying or any boy. She hated it. Hated for him to cry like this. But He cried the moment he saw her. The moment that perfect face came right in front of him. Alice was everything for him too. He had tried several times in his life to forget her but he couldn't. The more he thought of her the more his love for her increased and multiplied. Henry was not like every random boy you could see. He was sober and calm. The reason why Alice loved him with so much passion. Henry was filled with passion and enthusiasm. Henry was her star. And Alice was his queen.

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