Everyone Hates Me But the Cat

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Okay so maybe that was one of the worst ideas I've ever had.

Erin had deposited our merry band by the side of the lake. She must have messed with time, or maybe travel was on an automatic delay or something, because it was night somehow.

Will looked at me with betrayal in his eyes. "You... left her." My eyes stung. "You left her there."

"Will, I-" 

"Can explain? Sure you can." He left.

Oh, what have I done? Guilt weighed on my heart. I looked up at Nico, eyes brimming with tears.

He didn't say a word. His expression was blank, so I had no idea what he was thinking. Without a single word, he turned away from me and left.

Why did I do that? Why did I let Erin talk me into that? I kneeled down by the lake. The surface rippled black in the night. I tried to fight the tears. If I cry that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down.

I moved my hand across the lake. Tiny ripples followed it, spreading across the water.

Water... the sea... Erin.

The tears... they come in floods... and they will not stop... and I'm trying... to stop...

I can't stop. Even if I wanted to anymore. I'm dead inside. I've lost the best friends I've ever had. But this... this is unfixable. Everything's falling apart.

I can't stop my tears. And I can't talk through the heartache. All I can scream wordlessly through sobs and watch the ripples on the lake.

Even the ripples seem dark. Detached. Motionless. And I see myself reflected. A goddess- that isn't immortal. A demigod- who isn't actually a demigod. A girl- who's lost her family, her friends. I see... me.

I see myself reflected. And I have reason to despair. 

Don't cry. Erin said to not cry!

But... I can't stop.

"I can't do this without you, Erin."

I curl into a little ball and sleep by the lake. Maybe I can dream of happier times.


Oh, gods, I wrote like this in the sixth grade? I was proud of this?

I have gotten so much better. I feel I have honestly improved as a writer. You're not even getting the real thing, you're getting the semi-edited version. The real thing is so much worse.

Buh bia! XD

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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